David Allen – The Power of I AM, Vol 3, Part 8


David Allen - The Power of I AM 3


It is very important for us to know that we grow like that which we study. If we keep before our minds the beauty and perfection which the Ever-Present Great Spirit has bestowed upon all of creation, we will find our souls attracted more and more to that divine ideal, until the same love which our Creator has for all creation will be kindled within us, and we shall know that we are all brothers and sisters in oneness with the same Ever-Presence. The most perfect and permanent healing is attained only by the perception of this grand truth and the awakening of the soul to the realization of the mighty love of the I AM. This Love must endow us with a feeling of universal fellowship with all souls as children of the one Creator; we must feel toward all just as the Great Spirit feels toward us, if we would be healed by this transforming love. The Ever-Present Intelligence yearns to heal and prosper all souls, but unless It can find entrance and expression through our souls as love, Its power is limited so far as we are concerned.

When He, the Spirit of truth, has come, he will guide you into all truth. The Spirit of Truth is the I AM of the Universal Mind. When man recognizes that his consciousness is One with the I AM Consciousness, the recognition will guide him into all Truth. We cannot change the truth, but we can change the manifestation of the Law.

God is “I AM” and “I AM” God. When the personal mind (conscious) relaxes and “lets” the great Mind (I AM) at the center of one’s very Being express, it will work and work perfectly. As you recall the teaching step by step, you will be aware that “I AM” is at the center of things. You also find that “I AM” is at the center of your own Being. This then is plain and reasonable . . that when you are still and your conscious mind is conscious not of things. but of the “I AM” within you, you are in tune with everything in the Universe. Being in tune with the Universe, you exert an unconscious pull on things and will draw to you the thing which you desire most. That is why I do not say, “Think of the thing that you want,” but “Think of the Substance (I AM) of the thing.” This great Universal Mind (I AM) is always flowing into our bodies, whether we are conscious of it or not.

God is the true vine, for I AM means God, and all men are rooted in God or Life. For example, every man is rooted in you, since life gives birth to all of us. The Life-Principle is One and Indivisible. It was never born and it will never die. We receive our life, our strength, and substance from God (I AM). His Life is our life; His Power is our power. It is the one Being appearing as the many. Look to the God-Presence within for your thoughts, guidance, and health. Feel and know you are rooted in the Divine from whom all blessings flow.

Test my words, for I know the human imagination is God. Call forth your desire by calling it forth with God’s name. Decide what you want and ask yourself what it would be like and how you would feel if it were true. Then dare to assume you have it. Let the people who know you now see you after your assumption. Don’t make them see you; let them see the change! Think of the world as a sounding box, echoing and reflecting what you have assumed. Listen to your friends comment on your change. See their faces expressing their pleasure on your good fortune. Wear that feeling as you now wear your present body of belief. Continue to wear that new state and in no time at all your desire will objectify itself and become a fact in your world. Then you will know who the cause of the phenomena of life really is. There is only one source. The world calls it God. That is a lovely name, but don’t forget that God is your awareness! No one can see I AM!

We are constantly affirming our way through life; and since affirmation is the only mental action possible, it behooves us to find the greatest affirmation and use it. The Supreme Affirmation is, “I AM”; and, as such, It was given to Moses. This affirmation is constantly with us, and every time we speak we use it in some form. We must be careful to use it only as an upbuilding force.

Leave the good and evil and eat of the Tree of Life. Nothing in the world is untrue if you want it to be true. You are the truth of everything that you perceive. “I AM the truth, and the way, the life revealed.” If I have physically nothing in my pocket, then in Imagination I have MUCH. But that is a lie based on fact, but truth is based on the intensity of my imagination and then I will create it in my world. Should I accept facts and use them as to what I should imagine? No. It is told us in the story of the fig tree. It did not bear for three years. One said, “Cut it down, and throw it away.” But the keeper of the vineyard pleaded NO! Who is the tree? I AM the tree; you are the tree. We bear or we do not. But the Keeper said he would dig around the tree and feed it . . or manure it, as we would say today . . and see if it will not bear. Well I do that here every week and try to get the tree . . you . . me to bear. You should bear whatever you desire. If you want to be happily married, you should be. The world is only response. If you want money, get it. Everything is a dream anyway. When you awake and know what you are creating and that you are creating it that is a different thing.

If man knew that his Awareness was God, and that his desire was simply life urging him forward, he would turn within to the Source (I AM) and claim his desire as a reality now.

The I AM is your real self. When your mind recognizes its master, you will have learned the secret of Life. I have planted this thought seed in your mind, and it will grow and evolve into a beautiful plant bearing a flower whose fragrance will surpass that of earth’s fairest blossoms. When its leaves unfold and show the flower in all its beauty, then will you know that you have found yourself. “I AM” is eternal, and impregnable to harm. It is powerful, and, when the mind has learned to adapt itself to its influence, man becomes like another being, and acquires hitherto unknown powers.

“I can of Mine Own Self do nothing . . because I seek not Mine Own Will, but the Will of the Father which hath sent Me.” In this quotation, the Father obviously refers to God. In an earlier chapter, God is defined as I AM. Since creation is finished, the Father is never in a position of saying “I will be”. In other words, everything exists, and the infinite I AM consciousness can speak only in the present tense. “Not My Will, but Thine be done.” “I will be” is a confession that “I AM not”. The Father’s Will is always “I AM”. Until you realize that you are the Father (there is only one I AM, and your infinite self is that I AM), your will is always “I will be”.

Self-Existent . . It is difficult to grasp the idea of self-existence; but we can do so to a degree at least. For instance, we might ask the question, “Why is water wet?” There is no reason why; it is wet simply because it is its nature to be wet. If we were to ask the question, “Who made Life?”, it could not be answered; because if we were to assume that some power made Life we would not be supposing that Life is First Cause. We must grasp the fact that, in dealing with Real Being, we are dealing with that which was never created. When did two times two begin to make four? Never, of course. It is a self-existent truth. God did not make God; God is. This is the meaning of the saying, “I AM THAT I AM.” All inquiry into Truth must begin with the self-evident fact that Life Is. The Truth is that which Is and so is Self-Existent.

Man is all Imagination, and God is man and exists in us and we in him. The eternal body of man is the Imagination and that is God himself, the divine body of Jesus. And we, on the surface, are his master. All are the members of this one divine body and only this one body, all gathered into the unity in the one body, which is God. Call it God or Jehovah, or Jesus Christ or I AM. You can say I AM or Imagination in a group like this that understands and get behind names and surfaces. But in the outer world I wouldn’t use it because they wouldn’t understand.

I AM is the spiritual name of Jehovah, the ever-living one. When we affirm, “I AM,” with our thoughts centered on Spirit, we quicken the life flow in the body and awaken the sleepy cells. Such affirmations clear up congested areas of the organism and restore the circulation to its normal state, health. A prominent scientist recently stated that man’s body is composed of trillions of cells, every one an electric battery. A battery emits electrical impulses of various kinds, transformable into light, power, heat. The human body is undoubtedly the most powerful dynamo in existence for the carrying on of life. The presiding ego or I AM in each organism determines the particular kind of impulse that the cells shall radiate. The field of dynamic energy is limitless. God is Spirit, and Spirit is the very essence of the ether in which we live, move, and have our being.

God (I AM) will manifest Himself as you make a channel or mold for the manifestation. The little word “as” is very important, for it decides what the manifestation shall be. The Energy flowing through you now is God, but “it” manifests itself “as” you desire. “Whatsoever things ye desire, when ye pray, believe.” The flowing iron will not change in Substance, but in form, “as” it passes through the mold. A pipe mold will be used if an iron pipe is desired, a valve mold for a valve, and a wheel mold for a wheel. “As you desire” is the mold which determines the form of manifestation of God.

“Peter denies three times” means that state of consciousness in you, or the disciplined attitude, which will permit only faith in the One Power and the One Presence and is not subject to any other powers. To deny three times is a subjective state of belief which does not allow any argument. After the creative act and always at dawn the cock crows heralding the birth of the sun (the illumined conscious mind). The dawn appears and the shadows of fear and doubt flee away. Peter denying Jesus (after the flesh) three times, symbolizes the song of triumph, whereby man gives supreme attention to the Lord and Master within . . his own I AM-NESS as Creator and Deliverer from all problems.

When trouble comes do not forget that “I AM the Lord that brought thee out of Egypt.” No matter how dense the darkness, how great the tribulations, or how hopeless the bondage, He can bring you out into the promised land of complete emancipation. It is a pleasure to God (I AM) to take us away from our own self-created troubles, the only troubles we shall ever find, for the more we ask of God (I AM) the more we please God (I AM); and He is sufficient, even in the hour of the very greatest need.

He who understands the laws of his mental being, develops his latent powers and uses them intelligently. He does not despise his Passive mental functions, but makes good use of them also, charges them with the duties for which they are best fitted, and is able to obtain wonderful results from their work, having mastered them and trained them to do the bidding of the Higher Self. When they fail to do their work properly he regulates them, and his knowledge prevents him from meddling with them unintelligently, and thereby doing himself harm. He develops the faculties and powers latent within him and learns how to manifest them along the line of Active mentation as well as Passive. He knows that the real man within him is the master to whom both Active and Passive functions are but tools. He has banished Fear, and enjoys Freedom. He has found himself. HE HAS LEARNED THE SECRET OF THE I AM.

The real Individual concealed behind the mask of Personality is YOU . . the Real Self . . the “I” . . that part of you which you are conscious when you say “I AM,” which is your assertion of existence and latent power. “Individual” means something that cannot be divided or subtracted from . . something that cannot be injured or hurt by outside forces . . something REAL. And you are an Individual . . a Real Self . . an “I” . . Something endowed with Life, Mind, and Power, to use, as you will.

All Quotes from David Allen’s The Power of I AM Volume 3 Are Attributed to…

Benjamin Johnson, Charles Fillmore, Charles Haanel, Christian Larson, Edna Lister, Emmet Fox, Ernest Holmes, Eugene Del Mar, Fenwicke L. Holmes, Florence Gloria Crawford. Frances Larimer Warner, Franklin Fillmore Farrington, H. Emilie Cady, Helen Wilmans, Henry Harrison Brown, Jane Woodard, Joseph Murphy, Nancy McKay Gordon, Neville Goddard, Orison Swett Marden, Robert A. Russell, Walter C Lanyon, William Walker Atkinson / Yogi Ramacharaka