Thought Development – Benjamin Johnson


One of the most eminent workers in this field of thought development states that he worked alone for five years before he saw the results he desired from his efforts, because he was associated during this time with strong-minded, sarcastic, critical and antagonistic people. However, he persevered until he overcame, and now he is teaching the rest of the world from his own experience.

You can make your wireless send out your messages of “Success” until your thought is recognized; or, if you so choose, you can spell “Failure.” Some will receive your message and respond.

One little woman who has overcome much on her road to prosperity tells me she always thinks of her mind as a wireless station and she telegraphs “Success” “Love,” “Harmony,” and “Wealth” waves every day of her life. When things seem a little trying, she starts with “Harmony”; when everything is smooth, she works hardest on “Success,” and her messages bring back the answers she desires in the way of better business, truer friends, and more desirable acquaintances.

“Like attracts like” is an infallible law in the thought world. If you desire “Harmony,” be harmonious yourself.

Benjamin Johnson


Excerpt from
David Allen - The Creative Power of Thought

The Creative Power of Thought – Man’s Greatest Discovery