David Allen – The Power of I AM, Vol 3, Part 3


David Allen - The Power of I AM 3


Jesus, who has clearly revealed the Father in His consciousness, tells all men how it came about. He points out the way. He says, “I AM the way, and the truth, and the life”; but there is always a condition attached to its realization by the seeker. He must “believe,” he must “keep my words,” “follow me.” Summed up, the condition is that by adopting Jesus’ methods you will find the same place in the Father that He found. But the Father is Spirit and spiritual understanding is the open sesame to His kingdom. The secrets of Jesus’ words may be said to be in sealed packages to be opened by those only to whom is given “the mystery of the kingdom of God.”

Ask yourself: “If I now believe that I AM He that the world worships as the Lord, and all things are possible to me, then I must test myself and according to my faith in myself will it be done unto me.” It is up to the individual to perform the action, for the evidence always follows the action. Act as though things are as you would like them to be. Persuade yourself that it is true and let the results follow. This is how you are called upon to operate in this world. This is imagination. It is not written in detail, but only sketches that you fill in with your life.

“I AM here, I AM there, I AM everywhere.” I AM within all, within every fiber, nerve, and cell of your being. I AM in the inanimate as well as the animate . . I AM everywhere. I AM everything and everywhere; call upon ME and see if I will not open the windows of Divine substance. I AM THAT I AM . . that particular I AM Consciousness which should come to this condition or situation to make its nothingness appear . . to cause it to release the power that lies hidden there, and which has caused you to fear. I AM ALL IN ALL . . I AM everywhere. No matter wither you go, into what locality, I AM there . . I have gone before you, because I AM already there and always have been there. I have already caused myself to be so impressed upon you that you find everything already prepared before you arrive. You find everything answered before you ask. You find everything supplied before you need. It is well with you . . do you hear? . . irrespective of person, place, or thing. It is well with you, irrespective of teachings of any nature whatsoever. I AM . . I AM . . I AM.

I AM as Conscious Law, that which I think, I AM, and since Thought is creative, I live in the world I think into existence. The real world of imagination, the subconscious world of Mind.

As you assert your I AM and become more and more positive with faith in the strength of your own personality, acquaintances may think you are becoming egotistical. but you are becoming one with the Creator! Because the world has not seen the truth that humanity is one with the Creator, it has failed to personify the Ever-Present and to build a paradise of health and prosperity on earth. You will arouse needless opposition to your desires and plans, if you tell what you think and plan to people who need not know. Do not waste your faith and force contending against unnecessary opposition by revealing all the creative activities of your mind to doubters. Generate the force of your desire in secret until your intense spiritual influence compels all minds and conditions to respond to your goodwill and bring your desire to fruition. Whether you intensify your will to become an inspired artist, an organizer of production from the soil, the creator of an ideal home, or a teacher of children, remember to keep the thought of “service above self” uppermost. Become a lover and server of humanity, working always for the welfare of the whole, and your personality will become inspired by the more positive Power in the universe, the love of the Divine Will for all that lives. As you practice with us, you will grow to sense the personal power we have gained, and you will want to walk with us in the Way of the Creator. As your I AM and our I AM vibrate in unison, and through our attunement with the Infinite I AM, you will see and sense the Divine Wisdom.

If we start any such demonstration and try to apply the I AM to personality, we fall short. This is frequently the cause of lack of results in carrying out the laws that all metaphysicians recognize as fundamentally true. The mind does not always comprehend the I AM in its highest, neither does it discern that the all-knowing, omnipotent One is within man. This recognition must be cultivated, and everyone should become conscious of the I AM presence. This consciousness will come through prayer and meditation upon Truth. In Truth there is but one I AM, Jehovah, the omnipotent I AM that is eternally whole and perfect. If you take Jehovah-shalom into your mind and hold it with the thought of a mighty peace, you will feel a consciousness, a harmonizing stillness, that no man can understand. This consciousness is healing in itself. It must be felt, realized, and acknowledged by your individual I AM before the supreme I AM can pour out its power. Then you will know that you have touched something; but you cannot explain to another just what it is, because you have gone beyond the realm of words and made union with the divine cause. It is the quickening of your divinity through the power of the word. This divine nature is in us all, waiting to be brought into expression through our recognition of the power and might of the I AM.

Spiritual energy comes from within. The I AM is the source of Divine Energy. It flows through the consciousness of man as an impersonal, silent and Omnipresent Power. Through his soul (subjective mind), man makes his conscious approach to the Universal Mind. To be conscious of It is to be in vital touch with It, to give It conscious direction in body and affairs. Mind meets us at the level of our own understanding and manifests according to our consciousness. Since It cannot give us more than we can receive, we must be consciously receptive to It. Our work in the Silence is dynamic, the results differing according to our various states of consciousness.

GIVE US THIS DAY OUR DAILY BREAD The bread spoken of here refers not alone to food, clothing and money, but to the Bread of Life. Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God. The law of increase is in the word. I AM is the active agent of creation. It externalizes itself in the substance that coexists with it. I AM the bread of life. Give us this day our daily bread. These words literally mean to you, “I AM positive to the Substance of the I AM here and now. I am receptive to It. My needs are met.” The word ‘give’ is a command to Substance. You are not begging, pleading or beseeching. You are affirming the Truth, identifying yourself with It and accepting It.

Persist in your imaginal acts and the world will respond. The world does not cause, it only responds to your imaginal acts, for only God (I AM) acts and God (I AM) is in you as your own wonderful human imagination. Now, before you judge it, try it. If you do, you cannot fail, and when you prove imagination in the testing, share the good news with your brothers. Tell everyone you meet how the world works. You do not have to have a proper educational or social background to apply this principle; and you cannot fail, for an assumption, though false, if persisted in will harden into fact.

Any attempt to move anything out of the body or the circumstances, anything which does not have a cause in Divine Mind, will nullify the demonstration. Disagreeable conditions have no existence whatever outside of consciousness; therefore we must look to our own thoughts for a solution of our problems. The human body and the body of one’s affairs will automatically express the prevailing state of thought in the mind. When we discover that our Mind is the Mind of God, that His Power is our Power, we shall be so close to Him that He will be in everything we do. When the I AM is given dominion over our consciousness, it works perfectly. Realizing this, we can walk perfectly, hear perfectly and see perfectly. Let this mind be in you.

When men evolve spiritually to a certain degree, they open up inner faculties that connect them with cosmic Mind, and attain results that are sometimes so startling that they seem to be miracle workers. What seems miraculous is the action of forces on planes of consciousness not previously understood. When a man releases the powers of his soul, he does marvels in the sight of the material-minded, but he has not departed from the law. He is merely functioning in a consciousness that has been sporadically manifested by great men in all ages. Man is greater than all the other creations of God-Mind because he has the ability to perceive and to lay hold of the ideas inherent in God-Mind and through faith bring them into manifestation. Thus evolution proceeds by man’s laying hold of primal spiritual ideas and expressing them in and through his consciousness. In the exercise of his I AM identity man needs to develop certain stabilizing ideas. One of them is continuity or loyalty to Truth. In the Scriptures and in life we have many examples of how love sticks to the thing on which it has set its mind. Nothing so tends to stabilize and unify all the other faculties of mind as love. That is why Jesus gave as the greatest commandment that we love God.

Everything said in scripture is all about you, for you are the being called God, but unless you claim it you cannot attain it. How can you when you are the only power? You must walk conscious of being imagination, or die in your sins and never attain that awareness. No physical man made the statement: “Unless you believe that I AM He you will die in your sins.” The one speaking is He who said these words: “I AM from above. You are from below. You are of this world, I AM not of this world.” When Jesus Christ was publicly portrayed as crucified (remember, this play did not take place on earth save as a parable), he came before Pilate, who said: “Do you not know that I have the power to set you free or the power to crucify you?” And Jesus answered: “You have no power unless it has been given you from above.”

Your I AMness is from above. Having come to do the Father’s will, I who am now aware of being you, will drink the cup of experience to the very end. But no one has any power over me save I, by my assumption, give it away. I do it by assuming I am less than another, thereby forcing him to play the part of one superior to me. Everyone reflects my assumptions and plays their part relative to that which I have assumed, for there is nothing but Imagination, and I AM He. Assuming I am afraid, I live in a world of fear, for there is no other. Being protean, I am playing every part in my dream of life, be it for my good or for my ill.

I AM a Thought, an Idea of God, and that Idea is perfect even as my Father is perfect. I AM subjectively perfect, and that perfection is unfolding itself into objective expression. All eternity will be required for the expression of that perfection which I AM. I AM an immortal child of God, and am NOW living the one only life of man, that of Self Consciousness, and I am coming each day more into the realization of myself as Love and Law. Life from itself has built in me an organism, and has thus become aware of its Self-creative power. If I can materialize flesh, the highest possible vibration in so-called matter, I can create any of the lesser forms. I AM the ultimate of Evolution, for my body allows perfect expression of my thought. As a Human Soul, through incarnation I AM expressing daily my perception of God, and as he creates in the subconscious my body and its environment, I am learning, by seeing Him work, how to become myself the creator of environment at will.

What the I AM has become through ages of experience, we are potentially. The Ever-Present comes with hosts of emancipated souls to help us conquer the limitations of our mortal natures, the limitations humanity has created, and to enthrone the divinity of the Infinite in all humanity.


All Quotes from David Allen’s The Power of I AM Volume 3 Are Attributed to…

Benjamin Johnson, Charles Fillmore, Charles Haanel, Christian Larson, Edna Lister, Emmet Fox, Ernest Holmes, Eugene Del Mar, Fenwicke L. Holmes, Florence Gloria Crawford. Frances Larimer Warner, Franklin Fillmore Farrington, H. Emilie Cady, Helen Wilmans, Henry Harrison Brown, Jane Woodard, Joseph Murphy, Nancy McKay Gordon, Neville Goddard, Orison Swett Marden, Robert A. Russell, Walter C Lanyon, William Walker Atkinson / Yogi Ramacharaka