David Allen – The Power of I AM, Vol 3, Part 2


David Allen - The Power of I AM 3


If the world of “things” still has any hold on you and you have not realized that you are Mind out of which all “things” flow, then you may have to let “things” go. But once you do and you realize that I AM Mind, and you begin to “praise God/Mind . . from Which all blessings flow,” you will no longer be held in bondage to things, no longer feel you need to hold onto, keep, save, or hoard “things,” for you will know creation, or “things” are Spirit, presently manifested in the moment, continually. I manifest, or make visible the world, body, forms, things that I see, hear, touch, smell, taste, etc. as my “world” of awareness. But they are in me! They are all IN MIND! They are Me, The Mind I AM, not separate from, but in and of Me. Spirit . . All is Spirit. They have no substance in and of themselves. They are proceeding in the moment from God-Consciousness. Someone with a poverty consciousness brings forth lack, but it is an illusion, although it seems “real” to them. Someone with a religious consciousness brings forth the law of their particular belief system, and although it is an illusion, it sure seems “real” and necessary at the “time.” Someone with a consciousness of illness and disease reflects illness and disease in a body they think they live in, but again, that is merely an illusion, for here now is the Perfect body I AM, and It is All.

In the degree that you perceive, recognize, and realize your essential identity with ME (I AM), the Supreme Presence-Power, the Ultimate Reality, in that degree will you be able to manifest My Spiritual Power. I AM over and above you, under and beneath you, I surround you on all sides. I AM also within you, and you are in ME; from Me you proceed and in Me you live and move and have your being. Seek Me by looking within your own being, and likewise by looking for Me in Infinity, for I abide both within and without your being. If, and when, you will adopt and live according to this Truth, then will you be able to manifest that Truth . . in and by it alone are Freedom and Invincibility, and true and real Presence and Power, to be found, perceived, realized and manifested.

If Christ is your own wonderful human imagination and all things . . be they good, bad, or indifferent . . are made by him, you can imagine unlovely things and perpetuate their image. To say that Christ makes only the good and a devil makes the evil is false. When you doubt the power of Christ in you . . that’s the devil. Unless you actually believe that “I AM” is the being you are seeking and pray only to him by exercising your human imagination, you will never reach your desire, for awareness is the only power that can give it to you, imagination.

Not infrequently, patients who are students in Christian Science have had enough treatment to heal them a hundred times, but it is very difficult to get them to say, “I AM healed,” even when there is every evidence to show they are healed, and there is nothing the matter but a little bit of fear, or a large measure, as the case may be. But it is difficult to get them to take their stand and say, “I AM healed.” And yet in hundreds of cases, if people could say, “I AM healed,” and stick to it, they would have the evidence very shortly. The mesmeric tendency of human beliefs, self pity, self condemnation, or self-something else, hinders that most important and scientific declaration.

A study of the psychological nature of man verifies the belief in “The Trinity” running through all Life. Man is self-conscious; of this we are sure, for he can say “I AM.” This fact alone proves his claim to immortality and greatness. In psychology we learn that man is threefold in his nature; that is, he has a self-conscious mind, a subconscious mind and a body. In metaphysics we learn that the three are but different attributes of the same life. Man’s self-conscious mind is the power with which he knows; it is, therefore, one with the Spirit of God; it is, indeed, His only guarantee of conscious being.

As Jesus said, if you try to climb up some other way, you are a thief and a robber, and only trouble will come that way. He is emphasizing again the need for strict control of one’s thoughts if one is to achieve that which he really desires. Jesus follows up this idea by saying, “I AM the door of the sheep; by me if any man enter in he shall be saved.” The Jesus Christ teaching is the gateway to salvation, not in some distant heaven but in the immediate now. The “door” or “gate” is another very important Bible symbol. Passing through a door or a gate signifies a change in consciousness. When you pass from one room to another, or from one field to another, symbolically you pass from one state of mind to another. “Gate” or “door” means understanding and it also signifies dominion or power. In the Bible we so often find two different meanings or two aspects of the same thing. In this case the two meanings are supplementary . . understanding and dominion. Understanding gives dominion, and understanding comes with a change in consciousness.

You need to withdraw from the vexations of the world two or three times a day to center your thoughts in the quiet place of your own I AM. As you affirm the sacred name of the Divine Being (I AM), you will find rest from your disturbing worries, and in this interior state of peace, you will see more clearly how to will and to plan for a more successful experience.

When you know what you want, use your sense of feeling. Let the feeling of satisfaction so fill your being that the idea ceases to be a desire, but has evoked motor elements. These awaken sensory sensations within you causing the desire’s fulfillment. Imagination is nothing more than sensory states. Learn to go beyond an idea by feeling its reality. Then turn to another and still another, as the being who is feeling it begins to awaken within you. Fulfill all of your desires while you are here, and then when you least expect it, the Divine Breath will breathe upon that immortal tomb where you are buried. And you will awaken to find yourself completely sealed in your Holy Sepulcher where you have been dreaming your life into being. This world is made up of horrible dreams which the one within every individual is dreaming. That one must and will awaken, as you hear the story and put it into practice through repentance. The word “repentance” comes from the Greek word “metanoia,” which means “a radical change of attitude.” This change must be so radical that it gets right down to the root, the I AM! Think of your world as your mirror. Do you like what you see there? You know you can live with it or ignore it, but perhaps you would like to see it differently. If you would, repent by persuading yourself that you are seeing a world to your liking. Persist in your repentance, for to the degree that you are self-persuaded it is so, it will be so.

Repeat: . . “Infinite Substance within me, Infinite Supply flowing through me and to me, Infinite Activity around me and within me, Infinite Intelligence within me, directing me, guarding me, governing me, controlling me; the One and Only within me and through me, that is, Almighty God within me. There is no other, or beside which there is none other. Infinite love within me, seeing all, knowing all, loving all, One in and through all.” Carry this concept out until you see that you live in everybody and everybody lives in you. Then continue: “Infinite One, comprehending, seeing, knowing, understanding, living in and including the All, within me.” Realize what this means. “I AM One with all people. There are no enemies. There is only the One, in all and through all.”

While you are educating your intellect in the principles of truth, keep your heart very close to the loving consciousness of the Ever-Present. Let the immanent All Power in you be fed and strengthened daily and hourly by communion and cooperation with the transcendent I AM within, that you may embody the Power of this enlightening Presence for all humanity. Let your mortal spirit be bathed in the healing stream of Divine Thought, that you may become transformed into the health and perfection of an immortal soul of the Ever-Present’s inspiration.

Throughout the Bible the writers speak of the Name of God or the Name of the Lord. For instance, when the Queen of Sheba, whom Jesus called the Queen of the South, came to visit Solomon, the Bible says that she came to test him with hard questions. She came to inquire, not about God, or about the Lord, but about the NAME of the Lord . . thus again emphasizing the Name. The key to the name of the Lord is found in what we call Jehovah, the personalized God of the Old Testament. Here we begin to get a sense of God expressing Himself as Man. Pure, unconditioned Being . . I AM THAT I AM . . has now become differentiated as men and women. The word Jehovah is an anglicized version of the Hebrew, which was made up of four letters, Yod, He, Wau, Hé . . spelling “Yevé.” These four Hebrew letters represent the masculine and feminine principles, and in this form they mean one God (I AM) expressing Himself in the souls of men and women. The Hebrews went further with this idea of God and added suffixes, Jehovah becoming Jehovah-Ramah, Jehovah-Jire, and so on . . God as peace, God as health, God as abundance, etc.

The “breath of life” is a super-conscious reality. It is the essence of the “I AM.” It is pure “Being” or Universal Substance, and our conscious unity with it enables us to localize it, and thus exercise the powers of this creative energy.

In the King James Bible the Hebrew “Jehovah” has been translated “Lord.” Lord means an external ruler. Bible students say that Jehovah means the self-existent One, the I AM. Then instead of reading “Lord” we should read I AM. It makes a great difference whether we think of I AM, self-existence within, or “Lord,” master without. All Scripture shows that Jehovah means just what God told Moses it meant: I AM. “This is my name for ever, and this is my memorial unto all generations.” So instead of “Lord” say I AM whenever you read it and you will get a clearer understanding and realization of what Jehovah is.

Take my message to heart. The God spoken of in scripture is seated right here. He is in everyone as their wonderful human imagination. When you say, “I AM,” that’s God. If, right now you are assuming that you are other than what reason says you are and I ask you, “Who is imagining?” you would say, “I AM.” At that very moment you have spoken God’s name and all things are possible to God. So without the consent of anyone you can move from where you are to where you would like to be by a simple change of attitude. But your move must be fixed so that when you wake or sleep you remain in that attitude, for the state to which your thoughts constantly return constitutes your dwelling place, and your world is forever externalizing your dwelling place.

The Creator will give you generously of the Infinite Life and Power that springs from an Ever-Present Source. The Eternal Power in you can give you a more vigorous heart. Your digestive system can be re-energized. You can make a demand upon the Creator’s power within you for a rich and healthy constitution, and that demand will be recognized and fulfilled. The same Power that created your tissues, glands and organs is still present within you and is always ready to recreate them when the appropriate conditions of mind and body are applied. That same Intelligent Power, which formed your organism from the original cells and then diversified them to create your liver, kidneys, muscles, bones and brain, this instant is willing to do as much and more than It has done for you in the past if you will only allow your lesser self to step aside so that that Power can be expressed. It is already expressing through you every moment. Think what a miracle it is that the intelligence of the Creator is this instant creating the right kind of metabolic constituents that you need through the action of millions of cells in your body. When you turn your attention to this matter of your own life, you will behold so great a wonder that, you will want no other or greater proof of the existence of an intelligent Creator. The wonder and mystery of your being will awaken a great awe within you. You will realize that you are “fearfully and wonderfully made.” This awe is the awakening of your faculties of spiritual awareness which can know and feel the presence of the I AM. This awe of the Creator is the beginning of wisdom.


All Quotes from David Allen’s The Power of I AM Volume 3 Are Attributed to…

Benjamin Johnson, Charles Fillmore, Charles Haanel, Christian Larson, Edna Lister, Emmet Fox, Ernest Holmes, Eugene Del Mar, Fenwicke L. Holmes, Florence Gloria Crawford. Frances Larimer Warner, Franklin Fillmore Farrington, H. Emilie Cady, Helen Wilmans, Henry Harrison Brown, Jane Woodard, Joseph Murphy, Nancy McKay Gordon, Neville Goddard, Orison Swett Marden, Robert A. Russell, Walter C Lanyon, William Walker Atkinson / Yogi Ramacharaka