David Allen – The Power of I AM, Vol 3, Part 15


David Allen - The Power of I AM 3


Now, if you test God (I AM) and prove to yourself that imagination does create reality, tell others. If they try it and it works for them, does it really matter what the world thinks? If they think the idea is insane, it won’t be the first time. They thought Einstein was insane. There are those who think I am. That’s perfectly all right, for the day will come when God (I AM) will reveal himself in each individual, and then that one will move from the state of Saul to Paul. There is no other God, for God became Man by assuming all of his human weaknesses and limitations. God (I AM) is not pretending he is you. When he became your breath, he had to take your unique qualities upon himself. That was his crucifixion. No man was nailed upon a cross bar; your body is the cross Christ wears. He is buried in you and will rise in you. His tomb is the human skull where he lays dreaming. So awake, you sleeper, who forgot eternity in the pursuit of the moment. Although this moment seems so real, you are its reality and the central being of scripture.

Whatever we do heartily and sincerely in the name of the I AM, carries with it the power of the I AM to accomplish . . a power from a higher source. All power is given to I AM. Doing all things “in his name” puts aside our mortal personality and lets the I AM do the work.

We treat of Spirit as the Active and the only Self-Conscious Principle. We define Spirit as the First Cause or God; the Absolute Essence of all that is. It is also called the great, or the Universal, I AM. When Moses asked God who he should tell the Children of Israel had sent him, the answer was, “Thus shalt thou say, I AM hath sent me unto you.” The reason why “I AM” was given is because this is an absolute statement. Spirit is Conscious Mind, and is the Power Which knows Itself; It is conscious of Its own Being. The Spirit is Self-Propelling; it is Absolute and All. It is Self-Existent, and has all life within Itself. It is the Word, and the Word is volition. It has choice because It is Volition; It is will because It chooses; It is Free Spirit because It knows nothing outside Itself, and nothing different from Itself. Spirit is the Father-Mother God because It is the principle of Unity back of all things. The masculine and feminine principles both come from the One. Spirit is all Life, Truth, Love, Being, Cause and Effect; and is the only Power in the Universe that knows Itself.

Happiness, health, prosperity, are all at your command if you will but realize the truth. You must believe and feel your oneness with this supply . . then you can honestly say each day, “I AM Success,” “I AM Health,” “I AM Abundance,” because you have made the connection and you have planted the seeds of health, success and abundance in your mind.

When someone born into poverty persists in dreaming he possesses great wealth and his dream comes true, his wealth seems perfectly natural to those who do not know his dream. You are dreaming. If you try to make your dream come true while doubting its possibility, you are heading toward a nervous breakdown. But if you go all out in your wonderful claim, you will fulfill it, for all things are possible to the God (I AM) you are, for you are the God (I AM) of whom the Bible speaks.

The visualizing and imaging faculties are the transcendent powers that cause the living Substance of God to flow freely, but It will fill only those molds prepared for it. As you mentally hold your picture in the dark room of the Silence, vigilantly guard against the intrusion of any vagrant thoughts that may distort your image. As your picture is impressed upon your consciousness, it becomes the center of attraction, and the I AM fills it with Substance. It becomes the property of the Universal Mind. At this point of development, Spirit specializes and differentiates your desire. The power which projects the originating Substance out from Itself is your I AM, and this Substance takes the specific shape which you have given it in your mind. The Universal becomes particular as you recognize that your mind is the particular center through which your I AM is seeking expression in a material sense.

The I AM in us is the only God we shall ever know. If we recognize It and accept It as health, It will manifest as an abundant health. If we recognize It and accept It as happiness, It will manifest as abundant happiness. If we recognize It and accept It as opulence, It will manifest as abundant prosperity. As we release this Divine Energy, It will become to us anything we believe It to be. Since we actually live and move in this Energy, there can be no thought of bringing God down to us from some high place in the sky, but rather of lifting our thought to the heavenly place in our own minds in which we may more fully comprehend Him. In the Silence, we cultivate a deep consciousness of unity with the Universal Creative Mind. We merge with It until It becomes our own Consciousness. We take from It as much as we are prepared to receive.

So, “Be still and know that I AM God.” As we are told: “Unless you believe that I AM He, you will die in your sins.” So, the “I AM” in you is your own wonderful human imagination, and you can put it any place in the world. You need not be anchored to where your senses tell you that you are.

Men that you and I admire, if they were honest, would admit to implanting in our mind that which would belittle us and ennoble them. Many know what they are doing but they don’t know Christ (I AM). If they did, they would know they do not have to belittle us to ennoble themselves. If you want to rise, you don’t have to put another down in order to feel you have risen. Your reality is I AM.

Raise your consciousness and you raise yourself, but you haven’t risen when you feel the need to push another down by claiming “I AM better than.”

Tonight take this law and apply it. I promise you it will not fail. When you go to bed dwell in your own wonderful human imagination and say: “Thank you, Father” as though you were addressing another. You know you are thanking your human imagination, but while assuming you have what you want, thank your Father. You came out from the Father and came into the world. Now you are leaving the world and going to the Father. Eventually you will reach him, and when you do he is yourself. There is no other Father. There is no other God!

Jehovah (I AM) in the Hebrew is written Yahweh. Yah is the masculine and weh the feminine. The word is made up of masculine and feminine elements and represents the joining together of wisdom and love as a procreating nucleus. This is the Jehovah God who made the visible man, the man of self-consciousness. God manifest in substance is the Jesus Christ man. Elohim, universal Mind, creates, but Jehovah God forms. Being is without beginning or ending.

Universal Mind imaged itself in all that it created, and all its ideas are contained in the divine-idea man, which is Jehovah or the Christ. Jesus Christ is that perfection made manifest in man. Spiritual creating is ideation in Truth. The ideas of Divine Mind are contained potentially in substance, but until these ideas are consciously recognized by Jehovah God, the divine-idea man, they are not wholly manifest. All things exist as ideas, but these ideas are manifested only as spiritual man, becomes conscious of them.

The speed with which you make any demonstration will depend entirely upon the clarity of your mental picture. You cannot believe you are going to receive anything until you understand definitely what it is that you are going to receive. You must see the picture that you are presenting to Universal Mind very clearly. Not until your picture is clear do you have a good model or mold. The more perfect your picture, the more perfect your manifestation.

The I AM working through the imagination not only can create but can also control. Imagination is the permanizing force that takes an invisible idea and builds it into form. Jesus was able to explore every negative condition and image it into perfection. The Perfect Man is created in the image of the I AM; through Spiritual vision, you can restore your body to its spiritual purity and perfection.

The Universal Mind gives back to you what you deeply impress upon it. In the Silence, you are working in a spiritual foundry in which Universal Substance takes definite shape. If you are careless in your model or pattern, your product will be imperfect.

All negative thoughts and suggestions are recognized by you as illusions of power, for after all, there is only One Power . . God (I AM), the Living Spirit Almighty within. This is the argumentative method used in prayer and practiced by Quimby one hundred years ago, which enables you to come to a conclusion or verdict in your own mind of the availability of the Omnipotence of God (I AM) or Good at all times, in all emergencies, and in every crisis. As fear falls away, faith and confidence fill the mind; then you become united with your desire, and its fruition and blessings appear in your life.

Wherever you go, you are always imagining. You cannot leave the Lord behind you. You cannot sit here and wish imagination away as you can the body. I can stand here and assume that I am at the end of the room and imagine that I am looking at this one. But where am I? I AM in imagination. I can look at the body as something that I have put away for a while. I return to it. But I can’t put away imagination. I cannot get away from the Lord, because, being all imagination, I must be wherever He is in imagination. So, if I now, in imagination feel things as I desire them to be, that’s the Lord doing it. And because “All things are possible to the Lord,” I must believe in me; I must believe it is the Lord (I AM) doing it.

I AM is the Super Mind, the sum total of God-Consciousness; the action of this mind is always within and upon Itself. It is the complement of the other two minds and the container of both. The three in reality are one. There is only one mind, the Universal Mind of God. Mind and Consciousness are interchangeable terms. Conscious and subconscious are two names for the One Mind. Subconscious and subjective mean the same thing . . the mind and the law of the soul.

Unlimited power is available to man as he consciously uses the creative force. The I AM which we discover in our own consciousness is the Principle we use in our work in the Silence. Both conscious and subjective minds are the instruments of the I AM. I AM is the perfect and full expression of invisible Spirit. It is the Universal Mind in action. I AM is health. I AM is prosperity. I AM is success. The I AM is the Principle and Power of God and the invisible power of man.


All Quotes from David Allen’s The Power of I AM Volume 3 Are Attributed to…

Benjamin Johnson, Charles Fillmore, Charles Haanel, Christian Larson, Edna Lister, Emmet Fox, Ernest Holmes, Eugene Del Mar, Fenwicke L. Holmes, Florence Gloria Crawford. Frances Larimer Warner, Franklin Fillmore Farrington, H. Emilie Cady, Helen Wilmans, Henry Harrison Brown, Jane Woodard, Joseph Murphy, Nancy McKay Gordon, Neville Goddard, Orison Swett Marden, Robert A. Russell, Walter C Lanyon, William Walker Atkinson / Yogi Ramacharaka