David Allen – The Power of I AM, Vol 3, Part 14


David Allen - The Power of I AM 3


Many times I have heard someone say: “I believe that imagining creates reality, but I once imagined something and it never came to pass.” Then I ask: “What are you doing, saying: ‘I once imagined it’ and not imagining it now?’ For God’s name is I AM, not I did!” Always thinking of God as someone outside of himself, man finds it difficult to keep the tense, but God is the human imagination and there is no other God. When you imagine you may include others, but do not think in terms of influence. Rather, think only in terms of clarity of form.

Perhaps a friend would like a better job, more money, and greater responsibility. Before you imagine, take a moment and clarify the form your imaginal act will take. Are you giving the celebration party or is he? Who will be there? Fill the room with those who would want to share in the celebration. Raise your glass and say: “Here’s to your fabulous new job, your salary increase, and the challenge of your greater responsibility!” Don’t think in terms of trying to influence the friend’s boss, for he could die or be discharged. Just go to the end. Toast the event, and do not think of influencing others.

Are you willing to become enamored over a desire that much? Are you willing to fall in love with its fulfillment that you imagine it is yours now? If so, I promise you it will out picture itself in your world. And when it does, you will have found Christ, for the words of scripture: “By him all things are made and without him is not anything made that is made,” are false. When you test your imagination you will find He who produced your desire and the Maker of all things! I have tested him numberless times. I have taught this principle to others who have tested him and shared their experiences with me. Now I know who Jesus Christ really is.

The words, “Unless you believe that I AM He, you will die in your sins,” are not spoken on the outside, but on the inside. Now wearing a garment of flesh, my words appear to be coming from without, and one day I will seem to die and become a historical fact. But I am not speaking as an outer man. I am speaking as the true Jesus Christ, who comes in every individual by unfolding his story as recorded in scripture. There is only one story, and only one being to play the part. That being is God (I AM). It is he alone who acts and is in all things.

If I gave a Stradivarius to one who had mastered the violin he could lift me to the nth degree of joy, but if I put the same violin in the hands of one who could not play it, he would shortly drive me insane. It’s the same violin, yet one brings harmony while the other brings discord. You kill and make alive out of the same instrument, which is your own wonderful human imagination. You may make many discords until you learn how to play. We are here in this world of educated darkness learning to play the instrument which is God (I AM). You may not know anyone who would give you $10,000 right now, but if you believe all things are possible to God (I AM) and you know that God (I AM) is your human imagination, you can imagine you have the money, persist in your belief and you will have it. How, I do not know; I only know that according to your belief will it be done unto you.

It is well to read a few words of faith in order to lift your mind above disturbing details and affairs into the exalted State of Mind in which the words were written. Affirm silently, and when possible sing or intone audibly, the Sacred Name of your Being: I AM. This simple practice will make you more vibrant with conscious, forceful faith, and you will realize greater power as an organizer of your home life and affairs.

Within everyone’s brain, there is an area where The I AM dwells. When this divine I AM within awakes, it vibrates to the same state of Will, Thought, and Feeling as the organized Angel Hosts. As States of Mind are finer and different from conditions of matter, so this exalted State is finer and different from the States of Mind which constitute the spiritual worlds related to humanity’s mental and moral nature.

Deeper and finer and more hidden within their minds than any of their present experience of thought and feeling is this supra-conscious I AM. The dark spiritual world of selfish spirits vibrates to a like selfish quality of will, thought and feeling in the conscious and subconscious mind of the human brain. The Angel Hosts radiate rays of light to the I AM in every soul in the physical and spiritual world. The Light was in the world, in the brain of humanity, but the human mind was so darkened by materiality and selfishness that the Light was not apprehended or used to clear the mind and make it a Place of Light and Love.

Man must have avenues through which to express himself. These avenues are the “help meet” designed by Jehovah God. Man represents wisdom. It is not good for wisdom to act alone; it must be joined with love if harmony is to be brought forth. Both the soul and the body are helpmeets to man (spirit), avenues through which he expresses the ideas of Mind. It is on the soul or substance side of consciousness that ideas are “identified,” that is, “named.” Whatever we recognize a thing to be, that it becomes to us because of the naming power vested in man (wisdom). “Every beast of the field” and the “cattle” represent ideas of strength, power, vitality, and life.

These ideas must be recognized by the I AM before they can be formed. “The birds of the heavens” represent free thoughts and the interchange between the subconscious and the conscious activities of mind. Man has power to name all ideas that are presented to his conscious mind, whether they come from within or without. Wisdom, the masculine phase of man, needs a helpmeet or balance. Love in the soul (woman) has not yet been developed and established in substance.

I AM Using My Will Power

Say these words several times earnestly and positively, immediately after finishing this article. Then repeat them frequently during the day, at least once an hour, and particularly when you meet something that calls for the exercise of Will Power. Also repeat them several times after you retire and settle yourself for sleep. Now, there is nothing in the words unless you back them up with the thought. In fact, the thought is “the whole thing,” and the words only pegs upon which to hang the thought. So think of what you are saying, and mean what you say. You must use Faith at the start, and use the words with a confident expectation of the result. Hold the steady thought that you are drawing on your storehouse of Will Power, and before long you will find that thought is taking form in action, and that your Will Power is manifesting itself. You will feel an influx of strength with each repetition of the words. You will find yourself overcoming difficulties and bad habits, and will be surprised at how things are being smoothed out for you.

“I AM the light of the world.” I AM, the knowledge that I exist, is a light by means of which what passes in my mind is rendered visible. Memory, or my ability to mentally see what is objectively present, proves that my mind is a mirror, so sensitive a mirror that it can reflect a thought.

I AM Asserting the Mastery of My Real Self

Repeat these words earnestly and positively during the day at least once an hour, and particularly when you are confronted with conditions which tempt you to act on the lines of the lesser self instead of following the course dictated by the Real Self. In the moment of doubt and hesitation say these words earnestly, and your way will be made clear to you. Repeat them several times after you retire and settle yourself to sleep. But be sure to back up the words with the thought inspiring them, and do not merely repeat them parrot-like.

Form the mental image of the Real Self asserting its mastery over the lower planes of your mind . . see the King on his Throne. You will become conscious of an influx of new thought, and things which have seemed hard for you will suddenly become much easier. You will feel that you have yourself well in hand, and that YOU are the master and not the slave. The thought you are holding will manifest itself in action, and you will steadily grow to become that which you have in mind.

When you dream tonight of numberless people and awaken in the morning to find them gone, where did they go? Are they not all in you, created by and acted by you? Then are you not protean? You, all Imagination, are God (I AM) the dreamer, imagining the many parts you are playing. This very moment is a part of your dream, and those around you are there, playing their parts because you are imagining them. You are playing the part of your husband, your wife, your children, your friends, and your enemies. They are all you, for there is nothing but God (I AM) (Imagination).

Our senses are really God’s senses; when we realize this, we cannot have poor eyesight, poor hearing, poor health or poor anything. I AM sees through our eyes, hears through our ears, thinks through our minds, works through our bodies. He is All-in-All. I AM declares health and power in every corpuscle, every vein, every cell, every nerve and every atom of the body saying unto them, Be ye therefore perfect even as your Father in heaven is perfect. I AM will fill the body to overflowing with Divine power and health, for I AM is within every cell, and every cell is alive with the Universal Substance of I AM.

“What is Truth?” Truth is always silent. It is beyond argument, dialectics, theories, dogmas, and creeds. Truth is an inner experience, an inner awareness, or feeling whereby you taste and touch reality for yourself. Your consciousness determines all your experiences and your relationship with the external world and all people. The Bible says, “I AM the Truth.” The Presence of God (I AM) in you is the real Truth, the Changeless Reality within all of us. Truth is the subjective factor which is the real cause of all our experiences. It is no use to argue that two and two are not four. Truth permits no argument. Truth is.

Do not think for one moment, even though you are innocent of what you are saying, that it is an idle word. Because why? You are God (I AM), and God’s (I AM) words cannot return unto him empty. They must accomplish that which he purposed and “prosper in the thing for which he sent it.” So, even though you are ignorant of the Law, you are the operant power, operating that Law of which you may be totally unaware, but there is no excuse. You will still reap the results.


All Quotes from David Allen’s The Power of I AM Volume 3 Are Attributed to…

Benjamin Johnson, Charles Fillmore, Charles Haanel, Christian Larson, Edna Lister, Emmet Fox, Ernest Holmes, Eugene Del Mar, Fenwicke L. Holmes, Florence Gloria Crawford. Frances Larimer Warner, Franklin Fillmore Farrington, H. Emilie Cady, Helen Wilmans, Henry Harrison Brown, Jane Woodard, Joseph Murphy, Nancy McKay Gordon, Neville Goddard, Orison Swett Marden, Robert A. Russell, Walter C Lanyon, William Walker Atkinson / Yogi Ramacharaka