Walter C Lanyon The Lost Word

Walter C. Lanyon 

“The Word was made flesh.” Ever since that statement has come to the attention of man, he has been trying to find that WORD, knowing that in it is wrapped up the realization of all his dreams and desires. “My words are spirit, and they are power, and they shall NOT return unto ME void.”

What is that something which produces the manifestation of the Spoken Word? From time to time we see a demonstration of the WORD having become flesh or visible in one form or another, but many times the spoken or silent word apparently seems to have produced nothing. What is the magic WORD which opens the doors to the Hidden Treasures? What is the wonderful Word which will release into expression all the glorious dreams which constantly pass over man, and which he knows are real and true? Yes, even more real and true than many of the things he actually handles with his hands, and sees with his eyes, in the so-called relative world.

The word OM, which means so much to the Oriental, has little or no meaning to the Occidental. The word God, which means much to the Occidental, means practically nothing to the Oriental, and there be plenty who utter both these words, and still remain in trying circumstances of the human belief. People have been known to suffer under most wretched conditions while calling in the name of God – in spite of the law, which clearly says: “Call upon ME in the day of trouble; I will deliver thee.”

Many people believe that a word is merely a combination of letters set together to indicate a certain person, emotion, place, or thing. Many believe it is merely a sound made to indicate one of these, but then the difficulty remains in the fact that words are not the same to all races. They are more or less local in there sound or meaning; yet all realize that a given emotion, place or thing, could be in the consciousness of everyone – for instance, they would all know what “LOVE” is, although the word sign for it would be different with each one. The something back of the word would be the same.

“The letter killeth.” I may cry, “Peace, peace,” and still be in the midst of confusion and chaos; and I may say, “Peace be still,” and experience a serene calm.

“Be not like the heathen” – the heathen, in this instance, is indicated as one who believes, by “much repetition,” to gain the ear of God. “One man’s meat is another man’s poison” – that is why one person seems to attain such wonderful results by the use of certain words, and another experiences nothing.

The Lost Word must be found.

It is not LOST, in the sense that it is gone forever. It is only lost to you until such time as you are awakened to the glorious PRESENCE of the WORD, with you, and within you, and round about you.

The Magic Word, which is to release everything into expression, comes from the RECOGNITION of the Presence. The magic word that has been lost is clearly printed all over the face of the world, but only “he that hath eyes can see.”

The Lost Word has to do with the manner in which we pray. It can only be found when we actually “BELIEVE.” Oh, yes, I know we have believed, and we have asked for help for our unbelief; but we have never BELIEVED until we have come to the place where we can answer: “YEA, LORD,” when the question is asked, “Believest thou that I AM able to do this?” I did not say, nor ask, did we want to believe it? I said, it is only possible to find this Word when we DO believe it to the point of accepting it.

You can find the word that will do the magic thing for you, if you will. Once you do believe in the Presence and Its fullness, and you begin to TAKE the gifts of Spirit, you will find out that, automatically, you have been using this word. The Word of Words – the open sesame to the King’s Treasures – the password through the closed doors, and the right of entrance to the Way of Peace and Plenty.

When, from a human sense, you receive a gift, the first thing you do is to express your appreciation. More than likely, you will say “Thank you,” in one form or another. The one who does not say this, rarely is the recipient of many gifts. You only have to look into the records to note that Jesus used this same method. “I thank you, Father,” was His Word of Recognition which brought forth the manifestation. Before the slow human sight or intelligence could see the SIGN of the materialization, HE perceived the gift as HIS, and gave thanks for it; and this very, “Thank You, Father,” when spoken from the standpoint of acknowledgment for Good already received, will release the invisible to the visible. It is Wonderful! It is this very spoken Recognition and thanks, which makes the Word become flesh, and dwell among you. It is this joyous thanks which opens the doors, which you could not open in any other way. It is this very lost-found Word which changes the face of the earth (your earth) for you, and makes the desert blossom as a rose, right before your very eyes. It is Wonderful! You only have to become quiet, and give thanks for the unseen gift, and the manifestation will appear. It is a NEW day; we do not first see the gift with the human eye, but we perceive it within, and give thanks for it. Neither do we imagine, because we say “thank You, Father,” that that will do anything. We say “Thank You, Father,” because we have fully accepted the gift, and its manner of coming into being does not concern us. It is Wonderful! You have this precious Word with you always; you can ASK in the name of Jesus Christ (the Word made flesh), and give thanks that, “before you ask, I have answered.” On the unseen side, the answer preceded the asking, and was, in reality, the reason you asked. Before they call, the thing they are calling for is moving towards them for expression, if they only knew it – “Oh, ye of little faith,” fits pretty snugly on most of us. Do we ask, and give thanks, and then rest? Well, you answer it.

The Lost Word has been found – it will work miracles for you. No matter where you are, and into what difficulties you have strayed. The Magic Word will bring it to pass. No matter whether you know anything about metaphysics, or whether you have had a “course of lessons” or not. It works just as well for one as for another. “No good thing will He withhold from them that walk uprightly” – and walking uprightly does not mean that you are governed by a certain system of metaphysics, or a certain teaching. Do you hear, you who read? It says “NO” good thing. Not any good thing will HE withhold. Not a single one. Do you get the idea? Well, why do you not call from the housetops, as well as from the secret place, “Thank You, Father” – “Thank You, Father” – “Thank You, Father,” until your very being and life ring with the glorious vibration of thanksgiving?

It is Wonderful! “Thank You, Father.”

“Thank You, Father,” spoken with the abandon and joy of Recognition. Nothing matters in the sense of human beliefs. “What is that to thee, follow thou ME” – and this ME is not a man, or a system. Follow the glorious Revelation of the Soul within you, the ME, the Christ of God, and be not afraid to thank the Father for everything; and especially when there is no manifestation of it – for in the very place where there seems to be nothing, there is everything, but only to the all seeing eye. It needs Recognition, and it needs thanks of the right kind.

Do you see the reason why Jesus said: “Go into all the world … without purse, scrip, robe,” etc.? But do not forget the WORD, the PASSWORD into the kingdom of Heaven. Do not forget the Password, the thing which no man can take from you, and the thing which is instantly usable and available, anywhere, anytime, and under any condition. No matter what has gone before, the “Word is sharper than a two edged sword, turning in all directions,” and you have it, you can SPEAK it, and set yourself and see the salvation. See the salvation come by a way ye knew not of; come with such a flood of Light that darkness is consumed in the twinkling of an eye, and that which would hurt or harm, no matter what the argument, will be turned into confusion, dumbfounded – turned awry, put to shame, and confounded, fleeing in ten directions at once. It is wonderful the way this Power will cause you to obey the command, to come and sit at the right hand of God, and watch the beliefs you called enemies, become your footstool. When you are Recognizing the Presence of God, and are giving thanks for the manifestation of the Presence, then you are symbolically sitting at the Right Hand of God, and the beliefs that called themselves your enemies are trampled under foot. It is glorious! It is Wonderful! It is all to the praise of God!

“Praise God from whom ALL BLESSINGS flow.” The downpour of blessings has started with the, “Thank You, Father”; The blessings are flowing, gushing out of the Rock. The roaring river of life is pouring over you and your universe – such a deluge of blessings that they are uncountable. “Blessings, blessings, blessings, so many you cannot count them. Millions, billions, trillions, decillions, and so on and on, until the numbers of the human reasoning are all absorbed in One, and the One, the indivisible Blessing of the Here and Now of this God, is made manifest. It is Wonderful! Wonderful! Wonderful!”

“Heaven and earth are full of thee.” The lost has been found, and it is causing the New Heaven to appear out of the clouds of belief that have made the eye “holden.” There, all the time, were the blessings you sought; but until Recognized, and given thanks for, they did not appear in the flesh. “Yet in my flesh shall I see God.” Right in the flesh – right in the manifest world, right in the HERE and NOW of Life shall you see God; and no man shall see God” and live after the old standards any more. How can he? How can you live in the old limitations again, when you have seen the Word becoming flesh, by the simple speaking of the WORD?

“Bless the Lord, O my soul; and all that is within me, Bless His holy Name.”

“Thou openest Thine hand, and satisfiest the desire of every living thing.”

Do you hear? “Thou openest Thine hand.” What do you mean by the “hand of the Lord”? You answer it, but be sure you continue to read that the opening of the hand satisfies the desire of EVERY living thing. That includes you – what are you going to do about it? Seems to me as if we should stop right here and say, “Thank You, Father,” with the glorious thrill that comes from this Recognition of the Presence.

“Sin shall not have dominion over you; for ye are not under the law, but under grace.”

Of course you are not under the Law of your former beliefs, if the WORD becomes flesh, through your Recognition of the Presence, for this Presence upsets all human belief about everything, and short circuits the old laws, and makes them null and void. A man who has been crippled from birth, who answers “Yea” to the question, “Wilt thou be made whole?” has suddenly arisen to the heights of Recognition and thanksgiving which burst the limitations of the former laws, and is henceforth under GRACE – Grace, that thing which is above and beyond the shifting, changing, law of the human mind. It is Wonderful!

The old law, “When I would do good, evil is present with me,” and all the struggles against the belief that sin had dominion over you in one form or another, are wiped out by the Recognition of this Presence, and the giving THANKS to the Father. It is Wonderful! Wonderful! Wonderful! And So It Is.

It is true that “the effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much.” Do you note the word effectual? – “effectual” having adequate force or power, to produce the desired effect). It does not mean beseeching or begging. There is something in the word that savors of efficiency, and thoroughness and Recognition of the Power as able to accomplish that which it sets out to do. This kind of prayer availeth much. “God is able to make all grace abound towards you.” So it is written. Do you believe it? Knowing that the moment “Grace” abounds toward you, the binding human laws relax their hold. It is Wonderful!

The Lost-Found WORD is rending the veils of human belief, and revealing that which has always been, and man begins to see.

“So wonderful; that magnificent, incandescent Purity, radiating from the very Essence of the flowering fount of Life, is the very message which is written on the fleshly tablets of your heart, and is the fulfillment of the Promise, going before you, blessing, healing and saving. Giving life to the dead, delivering those who have long striven for a perfect release from bondage.

By abiding in Me, and letting my Words abide in you, you will attain Now to much higher heights and deeper depths, as new doors are opened to you, and new revelations unfold a New Christianity; and Joy, Peace, and Prosperity will always be smiling down upon you, as the revelation of Love, written in your heart, is transmuted to people who have lived in the torture shell of Fear and rebellion, for lo, these many generations. So many blessings you cannot count them.”


The End