John Wesley Zeagler – Living Within


The title of this little book may cause many to ask the questions: “What does it mean to live within?” “How can one live within? We answer, “Look and see and learn for yourself.”

Though scattering, how beautiful are these thoughts, given just as they have unfolded in the mind of the writer, either while walking or riding or working. He feels he must give them to others. Indeed, it is not for any praise or profit, but it is the joy which comes to all in serving and helping others that has so filled the author’s heart that he is impelled to issue this small volume, with the hope that other lives may be made sweeter and brighter by the light of love that illumines every line. This feeling of pure love flowing so freely from his heart, so indelibly stamps itself on every line, that it cannot fail to reach the minds and hearts of its readers.

J. W. Z.




When o’er these pages hastily we read,
But little we get there from indeed:
Then let us read between each line,
With a fully understanding mind.

If just an item, or only one thought within these covers can start someone to thinking, or open the door of the inner self to some ready minds, showing forth the highest and purest that dwells within, we shall feel amply rewarded for all our effort, for we know full well the few moments that we spend in meditating over these pages are moments when we dip our precious cup of life down deep in this ocean of beautiful, living thoughts.

Thoughts are truly and indeed food, and the only food for all living humanity. We cannot live upon the thoughts of others any more than we can live upon the food of which another partakes. When we think right we will do right and live right. If we really wish to live, we must first learn to use our own thinking powers. Simply to agree with others, and be lead by others in their way of thinking, and not do our own thinking, is to live a dead life; for all of life, the fullness of life, comes to us through thinking “rightly.

Are we not apt to blame somebody,—the world or something else, —when our life is not pleasant and harmonious? We so often forget— or we do not know—that through our own thoughts we are our best friend or our worst enemy. Each day through our thoughts we are building our world and living in it. There is nothing that needs more careful watching than our thoughts. All unseen things soon change into the seen through the growth of thought. Just as we are within so we are without.

By our own words we bring upon ourselves sorrow or joy; all are creators, creating each and every day by their own words. Jesus said, “By thy word thou art justified and by thy word thou art condemned,” thus proving that we make our own way and live therein, for the way never makes us. Things that we wish would never come to us, and we never want to be like, must never be talked about by us; but let our words be truthful, and of the highest and noblest, just as we would desire to become. Live within thyself, or keep thyself within thyself, and thine own will supply thee. When we connect our inner, our true self, with the Infinite Source, the fountain head, all supplies are ours, now, even now, today!

It has been said, that ignorance of the truth is the cause of all misery. Indeed, it is that great source of all the ills and discord of earth; our pains, our suffering, our sorrows all come to us as the result of our violation of law, either consciously or unconsciously. As soon as we come to the knowledge of the Truth, we are free, and can rise above the seeming ills and worries of life, for we are being guided into all Truth. The law, which is divine goodness, is harmonious. The moment we seek the highest and the purest and learn to live in harmony with all, that moment we will see that we are one with the law, and all is right, It is those who make a law unto themselves that worry and suffer, because they live with the lower or the outer self only, and not with the higher self, the within, . . for the outer will surely follow that which comes forth from within.

Life is either a blessing or a blunder; but why should it be a blunder to anyone living in such a beautiful world as this? The grass, the flowers, the trees, the birds, and the animals all give their grateful thanks, and seem to be so happy for living in this beautiful world. Man, the noblest of all, having dominion over all, one with the Creator, so often fails to see the joys of living, and the grandeur of his noble self, his true self. He has only to open the eyes of his inner understanding to realize the wonder fullness of the glory and beauty that surrounds him at every step. When he does this he will understand what joy it is to live.

Today is the only day we can claim as ours. The future is not ours any more than the past; we live only to-day. When to-morrow comes it is to-day. Why is it then that we trouble ourselves so much about the past, or worry as to the future? This moment is the only moment we can truthfully call ours. Each of these moments are little threads that we weave in our garment of life for the future. If we would each day and hour draw from within all the sweets, the joys and happiness that we can possibly get out of them; if we would only wait till to-morrow to settle to-morrow’s doubts and troubles, of which the greatest number never appears when the time comes, we would enjoy many more of the sweets and comforts of life than we ever dreamed of. Is it not then far better for us to live our very best, our highest and purest in thought, word and deed,—each moment as it comes?

We ought never to desire pleasure or happiness that gives another pain, or even to wish happiness from another. There are none dependent upon the suffering and death of another (God’s creatures) for their happiness and life,—do we think our life more sweet to us than another one’s life to them? If so, why do they put forth every effort in their power to preserve and keep that life? Will we, who are holding up the light of Truth and Life for the world, stop and think what is the meaning of the Golden Rule? “Act towards others as you would wish others to act towards you.” Towards whom? Then why should we not live, and let live; and still more, live and help live? There are few indeed who after leaving the flesh pots, ever had the least desire to turn back to them.

We ought too much rather cover the lives of our friends, and those around us with flowers (of good} instead of decorating their graves. Why do we wait till they pass from our sight before we can say all the good things that we have to say about them here? When all that you can say for them here, and to them now, will fill their lives with sweetness and joy, and make the world more beautiful to them, why not say it? A smile of love very often lifts a heavy burden, or a little encouraging word given cheerfully can fill a life with power. Whatever we can do or say to smooth the life of another,—don’t wait till tomorrow to do, lest we rob them and ourselves of joy and happiness.

Let us learn that the things the world need most today,—need more than all other things combined,—is love and cheerfulness; not more of our charity in gifts of money or bread, but more love,— that love which is so strong, and yet so tender, that it will reach out the helping hand to those who are striving to rise higher, yea, to all the world. Let others see that you love them, that you care for them. Tell them your good is their good, your joy is their joy; then see how quickly they are filled with a new life. Their eyes sparkle with joy, for everything seems new and fresh to them. Love is what the whole world is starving for; even the animal creation seems to be hungering for our love. Then give to the world your kind, loving thoughts. Speak your cheerful words to all.

We have been asked many times by our friends, “Why is it I grow so slowly in the knowledge of Truth, and in realizing the higher life? Oh, I do want to learn faster, and I try so hard to. Yet others seem to grow so much and so easily, and are so contented.” The answer we always find within. First, much is gained by being contented wherever we are; and by living up to the Truth each day of what we have and know, be it little or much, more and more is made known to us. Our own spirit, that gentle voice within, answers all our questions just as soon as we are ready and able to hear the answer. Each one must answer his own questions from within. In keeping all to one’s self we soon become dwarfed, while using brings us gain. Hoarding always brings loss, for stagnant pools soon become offensive.

Day by day we are writing our own Book of Life. Pure and clean are its pages that we turn over day by day, and we write thereon with our thoughts, our words, and our actions. Each one writes his own book; as they live in thought, just so are their books written. None can write a single letter for another. Each living soul must fill its own pages. Then let us write our highest and sweetest thoughts in lifting up and blessing others wherever we go, lightening, with cheerful words and loving smiles, the burden of some soul who is almost crushed beneath its load. Let each day be made radiant by the sunshine of love that we bring into it. It is through this infinite life and love within us, beautifying all the pages of our book, that all distinctions vanish,—none are high, none are low,—but all are children of one Father, brothers and sisters of one family.

Whenever there is a call or demand of the spirit within, the full supply is always ready and is equal to all demands. Then let us turn within with the eye of our highest understanding, study our own true self, learn to realize what we are, who we are; then grasping our full individual powers within, as one with the Father, we will accept the highest and best in our Father’s house. Only the best should we ever desire or claim. “Is it not the Father’s good pleasure to give us the kingdom?” And through the ruling of this truer and higher self within, each one lives in his own kingdom in perfect love and peace.

Truth has many names; but the greatest, the sweetest, the best of all, is Love. Fear and selfishness fly away before transmuting love. Hate and anger cannot stand before this wonderful power, the power of love. Love is that light that will lighten our path as we climb to higher realms. Love is the foundation stone of our kingdom within. It is love’s enfolding arms around us here, that will ever draw us nearer to the Father’s heart. Yes, through all eternity the sweetest of all words to the living soul, as the ages roll on and on, will be Love. Love keeps everything in its right place; for where Love .is, there God is.

The highest knowledge man can ever attain is to know his real, true self, and through this knowledge of himself to come to know God and all humanity. According to the degree of his true knowledge is he a living soul. Then can he ever attain to this highest truth here? Most assuredly. It is through our realizing the ever-living presence that dwells within us. The greatest truth man can learn is to know of this spirit within him. This, which is his real true self, is master of the body; and as soon as we are submissive to the ruling of this higher self within, so soon will our lives seem to us sweeter, our bodies purer, and all the world more beautiful and pleasant than they ever were before. Then will life seem well worth its living, because we have found the well-spring of peace and joy ever bubbling up within our own soul. Then the whole world will appear to us to be full of joy and happiness. How important it is to keep ourselves within ourselves.

This beautiful life, so rich and so free,
Doth ever guide and lives through thee,
Joy comes to us through thinking right,
And makes our life cheerful and bright.

Thoughts are living things—live things, not dead things—and if alive, then they are growing, for all living things grow. Those little tiny seed thoughts of ours grow and grow, so that we are scarcely aware how large they are, until expressed in our words and actions,—which are the fruits. And again do these live thoughts produce great results upon our bodies in like character as we are within. Therefore the world and everything around us is agreeable or disagreeable just as we see them from within. Nothing is unclean and ugly until we think it unclean and ugly. All of our peace, happiness and health comes to us through right thinking; while trouble, sorrow, and pain come through our ignorance in not thinking rightly or righteously. Just as we think just so we are; like produces like; effect always follows cause.

If we have something beautiful and joyful, something rich and aspiring, we ought to tell others of it, for thereby our lives are made sweeter and happier. Perfect joy we get in sharing our life, our good, with others. Before greatness and power can ever be attained we must learn to be helpful and serviceable to others. Through loving service and kindness, not only to those who are really thankful and grateful, but to all whom we can assist, we draw to us such joy and happiness that the world knows nothing of. How truthfully has it been said, “That the greatest thing a man can do for God is to help some of his other children.” And again it is true that the only way we can ever repay those who have been so good and helpful to us, and who have done so much for us, is to render to others our willing service. In this way only can we please God.

How often we have heard it asked respecting those whose whole lives are overflowing with love and happiness— after visiting some sick, troubled or discouraged friend,— “Why is it their presence does me so much good? I feel as though I am well when I look into their faces, and I am better now than before they came. I wish they would stay longer. The time they are here seems so short. Why is it I am so peaceful and happy in their presence?” It is because their hearts are so full of perfect love and joy, and their faces are smiling and radiant with peace and sunshine from within. They cannot help but send forth health and harmony to all around. This warm, life-giving sunshine, coming from hearts full of love and peace, will impart joy and gladness to all with whom they come in contact. We give out that which is within. For this Divine presence in each one will lift others up; if we live aright. Love is the product of life. As we live within, so we live without.

It has been said, “a contented mind is a continual feast.” When our mind is drawn within we feel safe and restful, for we are in our Father’s house. The husk and the swine of the outer world, the seeming bubble of restlessness and discontent bursts when we are conscious that we are in our Father’s house enjoying the fatted calf, and wearing the best garment. Mind is all there is. What our mind is our bodies soon become. When in our mind we realize our oneness with perfect Life, Health, and Happiness; when we are in harmony with every living creature, very soon our bodies will show forth that vigor, strength and beauty that they should have. How can we expect to have rich, beautiful healthy bodies, when our minds are dwelling constantly upon sickness, trouble, or poverty that may come upon us? Thou discontented heart, go in thine own closet, in thine own soul, and rest. Ruskin said, “Make yourself a nest of pleasant thoughts.” Shakespeare said, “It is the mind that makes the body rich.” Yes, it is mind that builds the body.

It is the living Christ, the conscious presence within, that cheers and strengthens us day by day. He is our hope of glory. It pays us to let the Christ live within; or, in other words, to live the Christ life, is to live our highest this day, do our best this hour and the next, and the next. There from the completeness of character is fully rounded out in all parts. We know a chain is strong only according to its weakest link. So our strength increases when we realize that we are strong in our seeming weakness. For it is the strength of the living Christ within that makes us to see no weak points. For my strength is in Him, who is all strength.

My past, you say, but what do I care?
All good is mine, what have I to fear?
Since life is love, I then will live to love.
Live my highest. All power is in perfect love.

No, indeed. It will not always be seeming darkness and ignorance upon the earth. Its ruling powers are nearly past out of this night of ignorance. Soon shall dawn the sweet light of wisdom and love. For the gloom of darkness and selfishness will soon roll away, as vapor, before this beautiful light of Truth that is now throwing its warm, life-giving rays of joy and peace over the earth. Through the lives of a few noble, beautiful souls (scattered here and there), this light of perfect love and wisdom will shine brighter and brighter in the hearts and lives of others, until it shall bust out over the whole world with great rejoicing. The summer-time of pure harmony and content will then abide in each soul. Life will not only be worth its living, but will be a constant joy, when we know our oneness with infinite life. Why so? Because the sweetest of all music is being heard within the soul. The fingers of Infinite Love are touching the keys; and perfect harmony prevails everywhere ; all the world will live as never before. For man, realizing the kingdom within himself, will ever rule with wisdom and power over all, here and now.

When we are conscious that we are one with all life, we then will see this same life not only in man but in every living creature, in every atom of being. The omnipresent life, God, lives in the mole as well as in man; the same in the ant as in the elephant. Infinite life sustains and lives in the lower creatures as well as in those farther advanced. This life we see and realize not only around us, but it speaks to us through every living thing. Even in the rocks, God is seen and heard; and when we come to understand the beautiful messages the flowers have for us, how they seem to talk with us and cheer us by their sweetness, we will then be more attentive to their gentle influences. For it is Infinite Life that is speaking through beauty. In realizing our oneness with the whole we see we are connected with every living thing. This voice, which speaks to us through everything, is that still small voice within you and me; it is the voice of our own Soul, and will lead us aright if we are obedient.

Flowers are beautiful, beautiful things,
Sweet messages of joy and cheer they bring
Telling us each such a beautiful story
How God shows himself in wonderful glory

With lilies and flowers that nature prepare
Solomon in his glory could never compare
All the grandeur of beauty, the colorings of art
But those made by nature come nearest the heart.


The secret of your life, of my life, is loving good by being good. When we can see and love only the good in everybody and in everything then it is that we find the greatest secret of life and when we have fully learned this secret we have so lifted ourselves up we have so lifted ourselves up in the understanding of the higher life that we cannot help but lift up those around us; then we can

(This book was scanned and this page was missing a few words from each sentence of the bottom of this page so it is incomplete. I have tried to guess the words best I can. I have included the scan for those that may be able to complete it on the next page) (Note: Even though the scan is not included I left this note in here so that readers know it may be incomplete.)

With joy hold with one hand the hand of God and with the other clasp the world, seeing all as the (missing word). We realize then there is only (one or two words missing) and life everywhere. Most (word missing) the world today is learning word missing) is to be good and favor good. Then will we let our every-day motto be, “I will love the good by being good. I will love the right, and do right.”

Our whole nature claims of us silence for to stop and look within, to live within; to listen to the voice of intuition; to live for harmony and love for all. And if we come short of this demand, we must then abide by the consequence, which is suffering, for Nature’s laws are unchangeable, and always pays us far better than force laws. Therefore, if we obey this voice that speaks from within, and live according to Nature’s highest laws, doctors need not be called for, drugs will not be needed, for where there is no commotion lurking within, but all is peaceful and harmonious, there can be no room for discord, disease, or poor health. All good will come to us if we live in harmony with the higher laws; but unless we live in harmony with these laws, and practice them, no good will come to us, no healthy bodies can we expect.

Intuition lights our path so bright,
That God in man is seen at sight.
Its powers, so rich, abundant, free,
Unfolding beauties the world now sees.

Divine principle (God) is ever living in man. For man, the individual, is the very highest expression of the universal; yea, it is through man that the Father declares himself to man. Jesus said, “In seeing me you have seen the Father also.” And again, “In as much as you have done it unto one of the least of these (any human being), you have done it unto me.” God living in man. Whatever we do for others, is done for God.

This image of God seems hid in every soul, By digging deep we will find this hidden oil.

Whenever we are conscious of the living presence within, the effect upon our daily lives will be seen by those around us. This true light that shines within cannot be hid to the without. This Light exists in every living being, yet so many are unconscious of it, because the outer, or material things of earth seemingly cloud their soul’s vision, it is hard, oh, so hard, for them to see the true light that is continually trying to radiate and beautify their lives. The clouds and darkness that keep back that light from shining forth in us, and through us, are only those clouds of fears, doubts, and wants; these rise up before the outer, the material self, and so obscure, seemingly, the light and life within. We not know that the sun is as beautiful and powerful on a cloudy day (although hid from the outer vision by the mist and clouds that rise from the earth) as on a clear, bright day? This true light—concealed, as it may seem to so many,—will and must come forth somewhere at sometime, for it is the life of the ever living presence, “this light that lighteth every man that cometh into the world.”

Everything we see around us in the outer world is first seen from within through thought. Thought always manifests itself in forms; therefore through our action our thoughts are made known. When we are happy and full of joy within everything seems to be dancing without. When we are sad and gloomy in thought, everything without seems to show the same appearance. Each of us lives his or her own life first in thought before they are ever brought forth in words and actions. As within, so without. If we wish to see the world in which we live joyful and beautiful, we must first show forth that beauty and joy within ourselves. Show me one whose life is filled with peace, love, and contentment, and I will show you one whose mind is full of loving thoughts to all. A mind that is peaceful and contented is feasting continually. It is impossible to be one thing within and another without. Like produces its own. When we are conscious of perfect harmony and love within, it is soon be seen and lived without. So let us turn our thoughts within, seeing good everywhere, in everything, and determine to see only the good which is the real and true spiritual meaning of all things, we will soon realize we are one with the fullness of life and power.

The highest Truth that I can live,
Is the purest Love that I can give.

Love is the highest note the soul can touch. So soft and tender like the heart of God. Love is the key that unlocks the door of life; when love opens the door of the heart a living, beautiful soul comes forth, the very image and likeness of perfect love. It sees only the good and the pure in every other living soul. In every atom of being there is naught to be seen by love but good. Love fills the heart so full of joy and happiness that it sends the blood of health and strength through all parts of the body. When we can love our fallen sister, or our cast-off brother, those whom the world have thrown aside, then are we learning what love is. In love no fault is found; no failure is seen; no wrong is thought. Through the channels of love within love is drawn to us, for when love speaks to love, love answers and comes forth as love. Do we wish to know love, then let us live it. Do we want love, then let us give it. When we truly love we truly live, for Love and Life are twin sisters. Love is like the sun, Life is like the shine. Blessed sunshine!

Thought comes not back to us single handed, but will find its companion before returning. Our thoughts we value so little; we call them little things; yet all our joys or sorrows, sweets or bitters of life, come to us through our thinking. Nothing needs more careful watching than our thoughts. If well guarded, and wisely directed, then peace of mind and health of body prevaileth. Our lives then will be filled with joy and happiness. But thought unguarded, and not rightly directed, the effect is soon felt and seen, so that the one seems to think there is nothing in life worth living for. All our strength and growth in living this higher life depends upon our watching our weakest points. How important then is it to guard well our thoughts.

Three Nevers. We should all try and remember:

Never do to friend or foe that you wish were undone.

Never speak words that you wish you could recall.

Never think thoughts that you don’t want manifested in your daily life.

Sin and sickness will always follow close to each other (they are like twin sisters). Where sickness is the footprints of sin are seen. If health is wholeness or holy, we can’t help being in good health if we are whole or holy. If we fail in health we fail in the idea to know who God is and what God is. If we wish to enjoy freedom we must come to the knowledge of the Truth within us. No one can be happy and in poor health, nor does it belong to anyone who knows truth to remain in their pain and sickness. Did not Jesus many times say, “Thy sins are forgiven thee.” And again, “Go and sin no more, lest a worse thing come upon thee.” He thus condemns sickness and disease as much as sin and error, and in nearly all cases first removing sin, showing us that it is the cause of all sickness and suffering. Neither do our pains and troubles, which we call bad, come from God, who is the fountain of all goodness; nor does God permit suffering and pain to come to us any more than sin and error. Therefore, if we wish to enjoy good health and live happy lives, we must first live in perfect harmony and peace with every living thing. Just as soon as we abide by the laws of our own true being within (the Divine Nature) just so soon will health and happiness follow, With this sweet light of joy and wisdom that drives out this seeming darkness of sorrow and ignorance, we soon see ourselves in the clear sun-light as we are, with health and vigor flowing through us. Then, with the beautiful smiles of heaven resting upon us, we cannot refrain from singing, “What joy, what joy it is to live?”

The past, with all its sorrows and its pains
Lies buried in depths of forgetfulness.
The present, with its opportunity, remains
For us to fill up with true blessedness.
The future’s radiant with the beaming light
That comes from thinking, knowing, doing

Why is it we worry and complain and are so full of sorrows, while we are continually surrounded with all the joys and comforts of this beautiful world,—-a world in which Life and Love can be found everywhere? Why is it that instead of sailing smoothly upon life’s sea of health and happiness day after day, —for this is ours,—we sorrow and grieve over our past as to what we might have been, and anxiously troubling ourselves as to what the future may be? Thus the present is continually being mortgaged. We forget so often that only one moment is ours, and that moment is now, through all eternity. Why then should we not live our highest, our noblest, our best, each moment as it comes? Do we not see the beauty and grandeur that surrounds us? How can we fail to inhale the sweets of this beautiful world and expect to see and enjoy all these in the future? How often have we waited until the songster has flown away before we could enjoy its sweet music; to live a full life is to live each moment in all its fullness.

Tell me not as to how you spend your Sundays, or how often you attend your church service; tell me not how prompt and willing you are to pay your preacher, or aid in supporting your church? Indeed there is nothing wrong in these. But tell me how you spend your week days; how ready and willing you are to forgive and help those whom you think have not treated you right; or how glad you are for the privilege of lifting up a weak, fallen sister or brother, speaking to them comforting words in the spirit of love and cheerfulness, and placing them on their feet again, send them on their way rejoicing. Then I can easily tell you how close you are to the Father’s heart; how obedient you are to that sweet voice of the spirit within you; how near you are connected with the source of Infinite Life and Love that knows no separation. This one life, this one love, that thrills every living being, that binds your life and my life as one with the whole is one with the Infinite Life that lives in all, that moves through all.

So few of us are aware of the wonderful good we can do in the home circle, even to those whom we associate and live within our homes. We ought never to think for once that we have no means and no opportunity for doing good, because we cannot do some big thing or accomplish some great work. “He that is faithful in the least is faithful also in much.” Only a pleasant smile we give in passing to this one, a kind, cheerful word to that one, or a little deed of loving service to another. How small are these, yet they are like the gentle dews from heaven-to some troubled heart, some discontented mind, or some sorrowing, disappointed one. It may be just the time when someone is longing to be comforted, for their way seems so dark to them. There is always someone near us who needs a little helping of the hand or a kind word of love. How can we refuse? Perhaps we may think nothing more of it, neither do we seem to care as to results; yet the good is sown and will grow. These little things, how small is the cost, but can anyone tell the priceless value to the one receiving them? Then these, in like manner, will cheer and comfort others. Can we tell where and when it will end? It will then seem to us that we are living in a new world, a world that is full of joy and happiness. Yes; only one kind word or act given in the spirit of Love is multiplied a thousand times. More than that, these little things we have done, and when quite forgotten, come back to us somewhere, at sometime, in countless richer blessings. Nothing we ever do in love for others is too small to receive a blessing. Good cannot be lost.

Are we to withdraw ourselves from those around us; those who do not see as we see, who do not think and live as we think and live? Why should we separate ourselves from others because we think they are not as good as we are? Is it not far better to show to them by our words and through our daily living that the way we live and the life we live far excels their way? And soon we shall see how quickly one turns when they are led by another to see a better way. Our duty here in living to the higher Light is to see every living soul, every living being connected with the one Infinite Life, for all life is one with and is part of your life, my life. Still more, if life is perfect, and there is but one life, then all life must be perfect,—their life, your life, my life. In lifting up others to the light we cannot help but lift ourselves up. It is through patience and kindly assisting in leading others to see a brighter way, a clear light through the gate to our Father’s house, that we get the password to enter in ourselves. Perchance those who are so far behind us now, those we deem so slow and awkward in learning the way, in living the life, may soon pass us on the road in the higher understanding of Truth and Life. Then in turn they will greet us with a loving smile, lending us a helping hand, cheering us on our way. For all live their highest as best they know how.

What is this gentle voice I hear,
So sweetly, gently whispering near:
Within thee I shall love to stay
To guide thee in the highest way.

The time we spend in the silence listening to the still small voice within, that voice of God which speaketh through the soul, are times when we breathe the fullness of divine presence within and are conscious of our oneness with all power, times when we lose all sensation to the outer self and are lifted up into that brighter realm where the Infinite life flows through us. Yes, these are times when we are feasting in our Father’s house, when it seems that the whole world is swallowed up in the heart of the Great Infinite. Do we regard time thus spent as lost? All of us who love to commune within, and have drawn from the fountain of all fullness, know that of all the moments of our lives those we spend in the secret chamber of the soul are the grand and sweet moments we prize above all others. It is there the fullness of life and good flows to all who are found waiting. Thou precious one, go each day into the silent chamber within, dwell there for as long time as possible with the one life; for the true life, the true power, can be found nowhere else; there, in this stillness within, pour out your earnest desire for whatever you will or wish, and with full expectation that you have now received; it is then yours; or it will soon come to you.

The I Am, which is God, can be found only in the stillness. This stillness rests at the bottom of all natural and physical emotion, and can be seen as much in the outer as in the inner. All that makes life a grand and noble success is nourished and cherished in the silence by the Spirit of Truth. All that we are now, all that we shall ever be, first existed within. In this deep stillness we create those things we earnestly desire or pray for. To-day what we need more than all else is to realize the fullness of this power that is within us. One has said, “All power is given unto me in heaven and earth.” What one has said others can say. As we create at the present so will the future be (though in the human sense of the word. In the spirit there is no future, only the eternal now). If we live and abide in harmony now we shall surely grow in harmony in the future. If we cultivate love and happiness now, these will grow more and more in the future. In the true stillness we can learn to see and know only the Good in everybody and in everything. When the outer self (the seeming) conforms and becomes one with the inner self, the one real true self, then the kingdom of harmony and joy is ours. The world and everything around us will look so new and beautiful to us because we are filled with love, and love is power.

Is it not strange that so few of us have learned the value of silence: to pause and look with the eye of the understanding within, for that health and happiness of mind and body that each of us so much desire? Silence is the keynote of harmony and health that harmonizes the body. It is the key that unlocks the door of the deep recesses to the soul’s intelligence. Yea, it is a drawing back of the curtain of the seeming and visible and letting us into our own true inner self, the Holy of Holies, where the divine conscious presence is waiting to hold sweet communion with us. It is there we learn of those hidden mysteries that are then revealed to us from the all intelligence, the all wisdom. There it is we connect our inner self to the fountain-head of all Life, Love, Peace, Wisdom, and Power. Through that source and that alone we draw to us the fullness of the Father’s heart. Dear, precious ones, go again and again to that fountain that is within thee. There speak the highest and sweetest thought of your mind, in the ear of the Infinite Presence. Then rest and listen to the voice of your own soul that will answer within you. You cannot help but be filled with peace and joy unspeakable. Truly, indeed, the highest, sweetest, and noblest life we can ever live is Living Within.

“peace Be Still.”


The End