Robert A. Ferguson – How To Create Your Own Guardian Genie

This is excerpted from Robert A. Ferguson’s book ‘Psychic Telemetry’ which is not in the public domain. You can purchase Roberts book here.



You have no need of an individual Spirit Guide, but you do need to create a thought form which resembles the human form. This Guardian Genie, which you mentally create, will be a willing slave, ready to serve you for any purpose, at any time or any place.


Sit quietly with paper and pencil, jotting down each miracle you desire upon a separate page of paper. On these pages of paper, write a name. These will be the names of the Guardian Genie that you are about to create.

Also on these pieces of paper, write the physical characteristics that you want your Guardian Genii to possess. Black hair. blue eyes, tall, short, thin, or stout. Now, also list those abilities that each of your Guardian Genii will possess. Wisdom, power over others, humor, financial guidance, or healing power?

I remember very clearly the first Guardian Genie that I created. I was in junior high school, having difficulty with some of my studies. As I sat at my desk brooding, I decided to call  upon the Genius Powers of Cosmic Mind to help me with my school work. I took out a piece of paper and listed my requirements in a manner such as this:

My Guardian Genie For Schoolwork

Name: Bennie

What Does He Look Like?: Bennie is a teenager with black hair and blue eyes. He is tall, thin, and knows the answers to all of my school problems.

As I grew older and matured. 1 created more and more Guardian Genii, each with a separate job to do. I created a thought form Spirit to give me advice on money, health, and love. They gave me all of these things, and your Spirit Geniuses will do the same things for you.


After you have completed Die creation of your Spirit Genius on paper, it is time to mold the thought force into a reality. Sit quietly, holding one sheet of paper before you at a time. Invoke this Power:

“I am now in tune with the Infinite source of all knowledge and wisdom. This great Universal Mind will now identify Itself to me In the form of a Guardian Genie, whose name will be Genie.(Genie) will appear to me In thin form: (Read aloud the physical characteristics of your Spirit Genius.) He or she will possess all knowledge needed to bring (my wish) into my life.”

Sit back and relax with eyes closed, visualizing the Spirit Genius you have just created. Follow this same Ritual for every Guardian Genie you wish to create. They never, never fail you,


Your Guardian Genii are powerful forces that stand ready lo fulfill your every command. You have created a Genie to work miracles for you in health, wealth, happiness, etc. The more that you use these Genii, the more powerful they become.

Your Magic Genie should be called upon to work each time time you perform your Second Pillar of Power Ritual. When you perform this Ritual, call your Genie to you by name. Give him or her your command. You can be confident that they will work a miracle.

It would he repetitious if I were to remind you in each chapter of this book to call upon your Genie each time you perform your Second Pillar of Power Ritual. So, from this moment on, remember to call upon your appropriate Guardian Genii each time you perform your Second Pillar of Power Ritual.