Fay Adams The Hidden Word Revealed

The Hidden Word Revealed

Fay Adams The Hidden Word Revealed


Chapter 1
The Circle of Mind

Chapter 2
Your World a Moving Picture of Your Desires and Fears
The Word
Duty of Expression

Chapter 3
Attachments and their Cure
Supply at Hand
The Time and the Place
Duty Misnamed
Only a Little Seed Necessary

Chapter 4
Six Days’ Prosperity Realizations
First Day
Second Day
Third Day
Fourth Day
Fifth Day
Sixth Day
The Gift Extraordinary


Argument is a waste of energy. A subject worthy of discussion can be proved, therefore it is a fact.

If you wished to apply the laws of mathematics you would follow the rules. Do the same with the law of mental action and you will get the correct solution to your problems. The action of mind is based on four fundamental laws, DESIRE, Increase, Balance and Ex­pression.

The Word is not something to read about or phil­osophize over, but to Use.

To all who would lift themselves above limitation into a life of satisfaction, I offer this little book, con­tent in the knowledge that if you earnestly desire to reach your ideal, it will open your eyes to the unlimited power of your Word.

It is my intention in the following lessons to state facts in such a manner that you may prove them for yourself, as I have proved them for myself on all four planes of existence.

On the Spiritual plane my ideals are a joy to con­template, for I desire perfection.

On the mental plane I can consciously use the greater mind at will in all logic and reason.

On the physical plane I have demonstrated over total blindness, loss of voice and a multitude of lesser ailments.

On the material plane I can live each day for itself without regret for the past or fear for the future, for before I am conscious of a lack or need He answers.

Life is so very beautiful could you but see it. Every day is “In the beginning,” spoken of in the most practical Book of the ages, the Holy Bible. It was written for you, to show you the pleasant paths in which to walk here and now in peace and comfort eternally.

When you can look about your world and see all men as God made manifest, you will be perfect, too.

Chapter 1


Do not sigh for the days of old,
Though many were pleasant, too;
Happily wait for the days of gold,
Each morning a jewel new.
Lay yesterday’s joys and sorrows to rest,
Content yourself with today,
And strive just now to do your best,
Rejoicing in struggle or play.
Live each day as the flowers do,
Perfect from blossom to stem;
The loving Father who cares for you
Has shown you his will through them.
A shadow only, are olden days,
A curtain carefully drawn;
Today is pointing to better ways,
A guiding hand to the Dawn.

The days of old are a memory sweet,
No more for them Til allow,
But we have today a joy to meet,
In the present Eternal Now.

The Circle of Mind

In the beginning chapter of Genesis, God said, “Let there be;” that was the desire of energy to express itself in form and action. When He saw “it was good,” gives us the key or working principle of bringing a perfect universe into manifestation.

The rest of the Bible is the tracing of the intellectual or conscious mind through its endless wanderings back to the original Infinite Mind.

Abraham was the father of conscious, intelligent, individualized thought. When God appeared to him, or in other words when he had his inspiration that it was possible to think separately from the group consciousness, he tried to make over the old thoughts. He feared for any great results because of old conditions and habits, as signified by Sarah being too old, much as we do today by saying, “It never has been done.” Then another inspiration came which told him to go out, or rather let loose of his former habits of thought. He then would be able to control multitudes of thoughts in an intelligent manner.

When Abraham began to relinquish the animal cravings he had a mistaken idea that he must deprive himself of all pleasant emotions as well. This is told in his willingness to sacrifice Isaac or joy, but the ram that he found shows that it was only the beastial passions and not the human affections he should relinquish. Later he realized that the intellect was not all and that there was a larger mind of which he was conscious but could not use intelligently. He sensed that it was possible to use this mind and that it was infinitely larger. He hoped that joy (Isaac) would open the way to conscious contact with it, but here he also fell short.

Jacob thought that to raise the intellect would contact this larger mind, but he could only picture the ladder and could not use it.

Noah realized that man had within himself all evil, but was also capable of all good. The name Noah means both rest and wandering. When his mind was at rest it was not evil, but when it wandered it was distressed, so he decided to use seven good thoughts every time he had two unclean ones and thought to overcome the evil with the good. But he could only use his mind on the material, physical and intellectual planes, as pictured by the ark of three floors, and sending the dove three times from the window and the last time it “returned not again.”

Moses felt that to bring all good thought out of the animal cravings and to destroy all tendencies to evil was the way to perfection, but he only succeeded in repressing them for a time. Again and again the repressed passions broke through at the least opportunity and would set his laws of conventional conduct at naught. He found that reason alone would not connect him up with this larger mind, which he could use wonderfully at times and failed to use at others.

David believed great love would use this larger mind, but while he had great ecstasy he also had great distress and longed for peace or Solomon. Solomon in turn, as peace, had great wisdom and riches but he could not redeem the life force, as pictured in the house apart from the temple where his foreign wife or double nature was kept. He realized that his super mind would, could and did do all things and that all he needed to do was to burn incense—or in other words acknowledge that it did exist in him and had the power and knowledge to accomplish all things.

Isaiah thought that to idealize the intellect would form this mind connection. He could see the wonderful possibilities of continual conscious use of this mind in body, mind and affairs, but he could not put this mind to practical use. He knew that someone would find the means by which the human would be lifted up and all evil tendencies redeemed. He realized one must refine and not destroy, for he pictured it in his chapter on “from silver I will give thee gold,” and “The wolf also shall dwell with the lamb, and the leopard shall lie down with the kid; and the calf and the young lion and the fatling together; and a little child shall lead them.” He told what would happen to the body when the war between the better tendencies and the evil longings was at an end. Health would spring forth spontaneously and all harmonious conditions along with it.

John the Baptist symbolizes the memory and the crystallized states of consciousness resulting from wrong thinking. His baptism showed how to release the past from consciousness so that it might make room for the larger mind to work without hindrance from all the old attachments and limitations. He could not use the superconscious mind himself, but he cleansed the personality, as signified by the baptism of Jesus, so that it could manifest itself.

Jesus, when he stood up to read the prophecy from Isaiah stating that someone would find the means by which this mind would be put in action, said: “This is finished,” and closed the book. In other words, I can do it, I am that mind made manifest. I can do all that that mind can do, (here is the greatest message to mankind), by admitting my desires and asking this mind, or Father, of whom I am the son or expression, to do it for me. “Of myself (or the little intellect), I can do nothing; but the Father (or original desire of Spirit to express itself in action and form) doeth the works.”

Jesus is the personal desires and Christ is the ultimate of desire perfected. In his beatitudes he shows that a pure desire will perfect itself or see God. The thoughts that tell you to cease from struggle and be at peace are of the mind in action or children of God. The meek who inherit the earth show the manner in which the super mind manifests in the perfect form of your desire realized. Therefore be quiet and let this mind bring you the desires of your heart.

He told his disciples that it was not necessary to have a fancy name or a reason for a desire, that you wanted it was sufficient. You need not put two cloaks on it, you need not refine it, or have gold in your purse; neither need you work for it, as symbolized by the brass. It is unnecessary for you to keep your mind on your DESIRE, for he said plainly that they were to rejoice when he left them, for “I go to prepare a place for you … I will come again, and receive you unto myself; that where I am, there ye may be also”—or, the desire will manifest itself to you. But in the meantime “I will not leave you comfortless,” for “the Holy Ghost (inspiration which I will send in my name—DESIRE), he shall teach you all things;” or in other words, follow your hunch and it will lead you into your desire.

“You ask and receive not because you ask amiss.” We ask for what we think we might get or should want instead of what we really want, and get neither. We lie to ourselves by ignorance and intent. A desire seemingly evil on the first thought really has its foundation in good and will perfect itself once it is admitted.

Trace all desires back and see what you really want. You may desire to criticize, which is an atrocious habit and carries all manner of evil conditions with it. When once admitted and looked at in the open it will show you that you are really looking for perfection in others and are annoyed because they fall short of it. Jesus said, “Whosoever shall confess me (desire) before men, him shall the Son of man also confess before the angels of God;” or in other words, that the desire cannot manifest unless you are willing for the Father or superconscious mind to get it for you.

The Sabbath is the time between the admission of the desire to the superconscious mind and the coming of the inspiration telling where to get it. Keeping it Holy is trustful waiting for the way to open to the gratification of your desire, and also joyful attention to the things at hand, for they are wishes previously granted, even though you may not recognize them as such.

Every time you move the mind up the scene changes. You have the crank to throw on the screen anything whatsoever you desire. This crank is the admission of your desire and the acknowledgment of the power of the God-mind within you to manifest in the form of the thing or condition desired.

Chapter 2 

Your World a Moving Picture of Your Desires and Fears

THE MYRIAD differences in all manifest form are the differences in rate of vibration — light, sound and color are of high rate, and steel, lead, earth, etc., are of low rate.

The body and mind are so constituted that they perceive through the senses the varying rates and interpret them as sound, color, form, air, liquid, etc.

Desire or fear is the motive power that sets the original substance in vibration, while the thought or word forms it. Therefore you exactly balance your Universe. For every person, object or condition that appears in your life, you have a mental counterpart. The persons nearest you are your innermost thoughts in action. The husband is the form and expression of the wife’s lowest thought. If a wife in her heart has a wish to flirt, and inasmuch as she represses that DESIRE will her husband do it in actuality with all of the attendant details. She can cure that desire by loving all humanity, and her husband’s interest will find a legitimate outlet.

The body, clothing and homes of people tell the story of the order and sweetness of the thoughts. What you do does not matter; it is what you like in your heart that pictures in the world about you. The manifest world about you is a moving picture of your own mind. Tell a risque story and look out through your window on the street and you will notice a slovenly man, a woman dressed in bad taste, and a number of rattletrap conveyances will pass for you to view. Feel low in mind and talk hard times, then walk the street and you will pass cripples, failures and funerals. Leave your home happy and full of enthusiasm and prosperous men and women appear. Whatever appears in your fellow man is a thought in you. What you see in others a little, is in you a great deal.

To build a new world hold everyone perfect, and admit that the imperfection you saw in another was a tendency in your own self to do the same thing, and then watch the difference in the way people treat you. If you see a man halt or blind, search your mind for a corresponding thought, either of body or affairs, and watch your conditions change. Old people are regrets and old states of consciousness. Women are love thoughts and if you are surrounded by old, inarticulate, sad women, you are repressing your love nature. If you are happy and loving, you will draw young, pretty and charming women to you. Young men show new thoughts of wisdom and power, if strong, handsome and alert.

Observe the people closely in different localities and you will see that people who are hard, grasping and bitter will gather in barren, rocky and desolate localities. The flowers, fruits and trees show the mental attitude of the people near. The entire Universe responds to your desires. Oh why repress your desires when by bringing them out into the sunshine of truth they will purify themselves, and glorify all people and things.

When Jesus was on the Mount with Peter, James and John and was transfigured before them, there was pictured the personal DESIRE (Jesus) acting through the nature or soul of man and refining the body. “This is my Beloved Son, hear him,” means your natural desires are offerings of the Great Desire to express and they tell you to “hear” or listen to your desires and admit them, or “build an arc” on the mental, physical and material planes, as represented by Moses, Elias and Jesus.

To repress even the least of desires hangs a millstone about your neck, for “Whatever ye do to the least of these,” you have done to the great, glorious mind expressing through you. Admit them all and trace each to its source and see what it is you really want. If they are unlovely to look at, they are a thousand times worse repressed and will picture themselves for you to view in some form or other, anyway; so let them loose where you can know and direct them. “There is nothing hid that shall not be uncovered,” so you might as well uncover them yourself. Prove each one to see which is the Christ, and the mind (Father) within you will do his works. DESIRE is the “Lamb of God that is slain from the foundation of the world.”


WHEN the manifest world is reduced to its original elements, we have, according to metaphysicians, spirit; and according to the physical scientists, electrons. The fact remains that there is left a substance or vibratory energy out of which all manifest form is made. Whether we say matter is held together by cohesive force or intelligence, it follows that the original substance is in everything in degree and everything has all the properties of substance in degree.

This substance is so plastic that our lightest thought makes an impression upon it. Whether the thought is sent out in fear or desire it will shape the thing feared or desired until it manifests in our world. Dwelling on a past sorrow or future hope will cause the former to repeat itself and hasten the latter’s appearance. (See chapter on attachments.)

In the universal substance is anything that can be thought of, and the intelligence to bring it into tangible form. Anything that you can imagine you can create. The motive power that brings this substance into action is your word. (Desire is a silent word.) That word may be silent, written or spoken. It is the actual mold of manifestation. John uttered a literal fact when he said, The Word was all things and by it all things were made that were made. Jesus, knowing the power of the Word, cautioned against the indiscriminate use of it.

Your Word is one of God’s finest gifts to you, yet like all good things it can be used adversely. Consider the multitude of adverse words being spoken into the Universal substance and you realize that it is only by the grace of God that the world exists. Only for fact that evil destroys itself and that good increases, conditions in the world would be chaos. A good word spoken must perfect itself. It never dies, but multiplies and returns to bless.

The evil word gathers conditions of its kind and since it is without intelligent foundation in the beginning, its formation must break up and the crash may take the sender along with the wreck (witness Europe) . The disturbed condition so often noticed when the mind is changing from evil to the true Word is the effect of false combinations of words falling apart. It is to be noticed in the lives of some people that they experience similar losses or sorrows again and again. This is caused by their having fallen into habits of speech. Let them have one sorrow and another will come soon, because they continually rehearse the first and all its attendant details, and the succeeding trial will be greater than the first.

Gossip and criticism bring persecution. Find fault with your environment and it will grow worse. Complain of your health and it will leave you. For such idle expressions as, “I am dying for a drink,” “I am frightened to death,” “such a beastly place,” etc., you will give an account.

Words relating to evil subjects have an unpleasant sound and their effect is felt as in the shudder at the mention of a crime. How depressing is the doleful cry of the man buying rags! The soul knows the effect of words and warns you by these sensations to refrain. The feeling of joy we experience when in the company of cheerful people, the thrill of delight at beautiful music and the peace and comfort at the Words of Jesus, are the soul’s response to its natural expression.

The Word

The life cell contains both male and female principle. “Male and female created he them,” written in Genesis, means that the double nature was contained in each. With this thought in mind, mentally take a trip back to the beginning of creation. Starting with your mother, back through her mother and so on, letting each generation fall away one at a time like husks until you are Adam. Pause here a moment while you realize that you are still male and female, then take another step back into God or the original Principle and ask yourself the question, “Who is left?” and if you answer, “I am,” then you are in a position to make the acquaintance of your Divinity. From this high point in consciousness you can realize that you and God are one. God being the principle (life), and you, the life principle individualized. Hitherto you have been unaware of your Godhood. You have regarded yourself as being alone, separated in thought from God.

Duty of Expression

God’s first command to humanity was, “Be fruitful and multiply and replenish the earth.” He gave us the substance containing the elements of every good, mental and material, and our Word to shape it in the form we wish, and he set no limit on the amount. The great first law of the universe is to increase. To refuse to increase is to invite destruction.

The law of life demands a continual increase and when this is denied by lack of activity physically or lack of interest or enthusiasm, it will draw from the physical and material and there will be a visible lack of strength of mind and body and failure in affairs. Witness the change in a man’s health and affairs after he retires from business. It follows then that to live according to the law of the Word is not only to bring forth enough for a small need, but to desire greatly. Since desire is prayer the meaning of the statements of Jesus, “Man ought always to pray,” and “Ask that your joy may be full,” is clear. In other words, to DESIRE continually is to express abundantly.

To work according to law is easy and harmonious. The reason people fail to realize wishes is because they desire something that belongs to somebody else, instead of desiring that their own should manifest. “You ask and receive not because ye ask amiss.” Speak your desires into the original substance instead of longing for the things of your neighbor. Anything you can name you can possess. If you can ask the same for the rest of the world it is not only your right but your duty to bring it into expression. Desire is the promissory note payable on demand.


WHEN WE make an error in a mathematical problem we discard the incorrect result and begin again at the beginning. We must do the same in mental action. To force new ideas into a mind already filled with mistaken ideas will cause distress.

The subconscious mind contains all memory, not only of this present life but from the beginning of time. In it are the crimes of the Ancients and the holiness of the Saints. In it also are the three primal urges: First, is the ego urge which knows we are gods and gives us dominion over all things; second, is the sex urge whose purpose is to create, and third, is the protective urge. The conscious mind is the Reason or Will. The superconscious mind contains all knowledge. Detailed studies of same by Christian Larson will be found inspiring.

The ego knows we should have absolute dominion and is forcing us to progress, to be more God-like; misdirected, it makes us overbearing and conceited; repressed, it creates a fear complex which spells failure. We must restore it to its rightful place in the soul. This is done by agreeing with it. Admit that the ego has dominion over limitation and set it to work clearing your world of all obstacles to your progress. This refers to your own affairs, not to your family’s or neighbor’s. (See book Three Primal Urges by Fay Adams.)

To dissipate the sex urge is wrong and weakens the body, to repress it brings on nervous disorders. Lift it up to its place in the soul by purifying it. Agree with its high purpose which is not only to reproduce another body but to rebuild your own body. It will supply abundant life mentally and physically and will develop your talents, paint your pictures and build your houses. Agree with your protective urge the same way and it will protect you from ills to your body or folly in judgment. It knows the end from the beginning and will lead you in pleasant paths.

There is no evil in reality. Anger is only energy misused. Electricity is a blessing, yet it will destroy you, and so also with fire and water, both are good, but can be used incorrectly. Every discord in your life has been because you have used some good thing wrongfully.

Take your mind off of other people. You want them to manifest what they are, not what you think. If they are doing wrong they will learn their lesson and you have no right to interfere with their progress. The spirit is caring for them and while they may appear to be riding for a fall, they need that particular lesson to round out the character, and you must not deprive them of their ultimate good.

Distressing conditions and environment will change for the opposite or vanish the moment you agree with them. Agree with your adversary quickly, be it person, condition or thing.

Chapter 3

Attachments and their Cure

THERE IS nothing that causes so many heartaches, so much discouragement and dissatisfaction as attachments. They are the greatest bar to progress.

We begin early in life by forming attachments to toys, pets and relatives. Later to careers, property, localities and families.

In the case of a meek type of person the attachment will be of a clinging sort and the person grows to maturity on the strength of the family and friends upon whom he has fastened his attentions. He rarely has a thought which someone has not previously supplied him, and he lives in a fearful attitude toward any condition that will necessitate his standing alone. The stronger type will take the form of domination and possession. In either case the suffering is acute because they have fastened their heartstrings so tightly about the objects of their affections that every move is a wrench and the soul agonizes with each successive loss. In the end you will find them late in life alone and afflicted; the former with paralysis, the latter with rheumatism, both in the blackest despair.

You will find this form of selfishness, in a degree, in more people than any other trait. It masquerades in many forms. There are cases of mother-love (?) which deprive the child of freedom of thought or action. In olden days it was a common occurrence for the parents to bind a child by a promise not to leave home or marry until the death of the parents. Is not this a selfish emotion rather than love?

In the regeneration of mind and body this bump (attachments) will be met oftener than any other obstacle on the road to attainment, and in your ability to overcome it, rests your power to demonstrate Truth. The attachment to family is perhaps the hardest from which to get free. Habit of opinion the next. Many cases of death are directly traceable to a loss of family; in some cases the loss of a business or position will be the contributing cause to a general breaking up of the system.

The human derelicts the world over are the pitiful proof of the fallacy of attachments to temporal things. Each one can easily prove by examining the circumstances connected with the different sorrows or difficulties of his past, that nineteen out of every twenty shadows cast on his life, would not have been seen without the idea of possession or crystallized attachment back of it.

It follows, then, that the first step in assuming our dominion over circumstances is to give everyone and everything connected with us, freedom. Let the past with its regrets pass out of your life as “waters that were not.” The pleasures you have enjoyed would fail to thrill you now, even were it possible for you to live them over. Discard them along with the regrets and cease letting them take the joy out of the happiness at hand today. This is easier to say than to do.

An effective way of discarding regrets is to go back over your life as far as you can remember and forgive everyone, yourself included, connected with each distressing condition. Let all the burdens (which are another name for attachments) float away on a veritable river of forgiveness and love and you will experience a lightness of heart and freedom of spirit that nothing else will give, and then, automatically, will rush into your consciousness an abundance of harmony and peace and health that will overflow to your entire world.

This does not mean that you are to neglect your family, business or ideals, but that you release them from bondage of your claim on them. You will find that in reality you have lost nothing but have gained much. Your friends will seek you, your family will love you with a larger love, your affairs will be universal and the opportunities of the universe will open to you, and where once you were confined to a certain section and a few people, you will now know that there is no limit to your activities and the whole world is your kin.

Supply at Hand

SUPPOSE you had fallen heir to an unlimited income that assured you everything you would fancy and left you free to follow any line of endeavor you wished. Being a follower of Truth you would want to engage in some service to the world, also you would want to begin at once. You would know that your present occupation would offer the most opportunities for the present moment. If you are so placed that you are serving the public as a salesman or in a menial capacity you would feel grateful for your position and each customer would appear as a blessed privilege. A busy day would be a glorious experience. There would not enter into any of the separate transactions of the day a thought of how much the customer would spend or how much commission you would realize on the deal, for you already would have all the money you wish. You would give each person the best possible attention whether he spent little or much. You would not be afraid of losing your position, neither would you hurry or fuss, because you have all the time you need and you would be doing your work voluntarily to please yourself. You would be efficient because there would be no thought but to serve to the best of your ability. You would desire above everything else to give everyone all the happiness you could.

As time went on you would be looking for an opening where you could live in accordance with the Principle in a larger way. You might study or familiarize yourself with some larger outlet for your energies, but you would wait calmly and contentedly until the opportunity presented itself, knowing that you would be able to embrace it when it came.

The first step in making prosperity manifest and permanent is to realize that it is all about you awaiting your claim on it. Then ask for what you want to shape it, knowing that anything in any amount that you can conceive of is already there for you. Next give thanks for it, that you have received it, in an earnest, believing manner. This thanksgiving should be practiced until the actual delight one feels upon the receipt of some greatly desired object, is constantly with one. Then act as if you were in actual possession by the attitude toward your present environment and see your associates as outlined in the first paragraph of this lesson.

It is unsatisfactory to make prosperity demonstrations without also rounding out a perfect world.

Of what use is unlimited wealth without health and vitality to use it. It would become a burden. Or would wealth and health be a blessing without the wisdom to enjoy it? Assuredly not. In the universe is everything any one can ask for and more. Then let us ask for wisdom, power, poise, courtesy and understanding, that we may know complete satisfaction and that our joy may be full.

The Time and the Place

When anyone reaches the state of mind where he is dissatisfied with things as they are and begins to look around for a happier solution of his problems, there comes the thought that if he was in a different place or some condition were removed, he could see a way out. The place to start is where you are, regardless of environment. The worse the condition the more imperative the start. The time is now, this minute. It is so easy to say, “As soon as I finish this task,” or “Tomorrow I will be in a better frame of mind.” Tomorrow you will probably feel worse and each day your DESIRE will grow less and the distressing conditions will fasten tighter on you, and sooner or later you will be as a useless bit of wreckage dashed about by each changing current of the life stream about you, struggling toward something today only to see it snatched away or to be knocked against some unseen obstacle the next or to be submerged by an overpowering sorrow at last.

Goethe said, “A task once begun is half done,” and I would add the greater half, Today is the acceptable time of the Lord.

Duty Misnamed

DID YOU EVER do something to please someone else? Were you satisfied with the result or did the effort fall short of the desired effect? Usually the person is not only displeased with your effort but blames you for the unpleasant results that occur. In the end you will discover the thing you really wished to do would have been the thing that would have brought happiness all around.

If you do the thing you like you will have the satisfaction of your own inner gratification, the attendant details will be worked out for you in an entirely satisfactory manner, and your associates will admire your independence even though they may be of different opinion from you.

The man who says he supports his family or protects his country because it is his duty, is an offense to me, a liar to himself and a thief to his family and countrymen. But the man who says, “I love my home and country,” what a glory is he. The former doles out his support because he fears the law or public opinion and capitalizes on his effort either in self-pity or praise from the outside. The latter provides abundantly for his family and is true to his country out of the joy of his heart.

The wife who remains married to a man she no longer loves and prattles of her duty to her children is neither a good mother nor wife, but rather is too indolent and cowardly to face the world and prefers to have the support of her husband.

The mother who complains of caring for “his children” has borne her children in sin.

The perfect marriage is where the feminine qualities have drawn their male balance by adoration of these qualities in the soul, thusly,–

Feminine           Masculine
love                    wisdom
joy                      strength
virtue                  honor
meekness            power
substance            life

All too often a woman draws a picture and chooses a mate because of certain qualities she admires, but when in actuality he does not live up to the picture, she is disappointed, as for instance a large man seems to represent protection and she doesn’t take into consideration the stupidity, awkwardness and conceit she will very probably get along with the bulk.

A woman with an exaggerated maternal instinct will burden her husband with sacrifices and he will bite her for it.

The male nature is to give, the female to receive. The sex act glorified is this: the male perceives he is a god and wishes to act according to his real nature, which must give, and since he has in reality only one thing to give, himself, he reasons thusly: “I have all wisdom, but she has all love through which my wisdom must reveal itself; I have great power, but she has great meekness through which it must act; great strength, but she has great joy to revel in it—but I have eternal life, I can give her that.” And since one cannot give from the pure joy of giving without receiving in return, the female receives the life force and reproduces the increase to glorify him.

Nature shows us many things had we eyes to see. Everything gives of itself every moment of its existence. The sun gives its light and heat; the air all its properties; the tree its fruit, bark, sap, shade and very life. The flower gives of its beauty and fragrance in life and even its ashes are perfumed in death. So on with water, soil, minerals etc., and so we must want to give, not in dollars so much as in service and love, because it is our nature to give and because the DESIRE is so strong in our hearts that it is a blessed privilege to give out of the abundant love and joy we have received.

Only a Little Seed Necessary

So much has been written on the subject of Faith and Belief that the average person is doubtful of trying any new and easier way of living, feeling they are lacking in faith.

Your belief cannot hinder the working of any law. If a carpenter can follow a blue print of a house he will build a house even though he may believe it will be a dog kennel. He would have more joy in his work if he had faith that a house would be the result of his labor. Two and two will make four regardless of your belief on the subject. A savage may not believe in electricity or know anything about electrical engineering, yet if he will touch the button he will get light. So it is with the Infinite Substance, it will manifest for you whether you are a sinner or saint, if you have a desire and admit it and put nothing in the way to obstruct its action.

Regarding particular demonstrations, it is better to let the Infinite Mind work out a harmonious existence for you instead of some one thing. You have drawn an imperfect, changeable body and environment to you by conflicting desires, and the evil condition that you so greatly wish to be rid of may be the keystone upon which your whole structure is built. When you ask and get it removed the whole world comes tumbling about your ears, and it usually frightens the beginner back into the old incomplete way of thinking and living. The intellect is too small to know the end from the beginning, but the big mind within you (the mind that dreams, keeps your heart beating, heals your broken bones, etc.,) does know, also it does know just what will make you happy and will get it for you if you will let it.

Take the attitude towards your life and affairs that was meant in the Lord’s prayer, given to his disciples:

Our Father (Infinite Mind) who art in heaven (within us),
Hallowed (established for that purpose) be Thy name (admitted).
Thy kingdom (perfection) come.
Thy will (do it your way) be done
On earth (our world), as it is in heaven (ideal).
Give us this day our daily bread (all we can appropriate) .
And forgive us our trespasses (our interference with the larger mind’s way of operation),
As we forgive those who trespass against us (as we loose error thoughts and conditions that try to fasten on us).
And lead us not into temptation (egotism),
But deliver us from evil (incompleteness and imperfection) ;
For thine is the kingdom, and the power (we admit the larger mind and praise it), and the glory (we give it the credit), forever (continual increase). Amen (it is so).

Place the Infinite Mind in control on the spiritual plane to shape your ideals. Let it think for you on the mental plane. It will enlarge your intellect to comprehend it. No longer will you be burdened by hosts of conflicting ideas, doubts, longings and fears.

Let the Infinite Mind build for you and refine and perfect on the physical plane, and you will build for Eternity.

Bring it out on the material plane and let it find dollars and beautiful homes and harmonious environment for you.

Lay your burdens upon the Lord (law or mind in action) and He will give thee the desires of thine heart.


Do you really want to be well ? Pause before answering, “yes.” Are you sure you don’t enjoy the atmosphere of attention that surrounds you, the sympathy of friends and most of all, the thousand and one excuses it gives you to act in a weak, negative manner? Would you really wish to be able to stand up before men and say, “I am perfectly whole and well, and if I am not successful and happy it is my own fault?” Are you sure you do not wish to retain the alibi that sickness gives you for being an underling? If you do, all the doctors and healers in the world cannot cure you.

It is surprising how many people resort to sickness as an excuse for every conceivable dereliction, from laziness to a cantankerous disposition. Wives use sickness as a whip hand to try to hold the attention of their husbands, and husbands often use the same excuse in explaining their inability to succeed. Children, too, use a headache as an excuse for avoiding work or study.

If you really wish to be healthy, you may be. You can heal yourself instantly by admitting the lies you have been telling yourself. You feed upon excuses like dope. Quit it! One earnest desire for health will stand you on your feet, cured.

If you put your hand on a hot stove, would you call in the neighbors to put out the fire or would you remove your hand from the stove? When you have an ailment, it shows you are using some faculty or thought incorrectly. The pain, etc., is the thought trying to tell you it is manifesting imperfectly. Release it to return to the Father mind and substitute the opposite, and direct your sex force to build a new body for you, as shown in an earlier chapter on Agreement. Do not treat the manifestation of disease. Take your mind off the disease you do not want and keep it on the health you do want. Every time you notice or attend to an imperfection, is like putting your hand back on the stove that has already burned you.

Desire health of mind and body and the mind that keeps your heart beating, your lungs breathing, will build you a perfect body and increase every faculty of mind. Only let this DESIRE be in your heart without adulteration and your health will spring forth spontaneously.

Chapter 4

Prosperity Realizations

First Day

The universal substance fills the universe. Out of this substance all manifest form was formed and must be formed.

Reduce the world back to its original elements and see it as a great sea of plastic energy, without shape.

Realize that this substance contains anything you can possibly DESIRE. It is not only your right, but Duty, to continually bring forth this substance into expression. There is no limit to this substance. There is an abundance for all you can desire. Do not limit yourself to your small needs but DESIRE greatly. The first command to humanity was to create. So bring forth.

Second Day

You now realize that to be normal you should have everything you desire; that it is natural for you to be abundantly supplied and that you are not manifesting in your natural element if there is a lack anywhere in your entire world.

This eliminates all envy because, while you might DESIRE something similar to your neighbor’s, you in reality want your own, not his. Be careful here. You have a right to all you can imagine, but you must give everyone the same privilege. This substance acts something on the order of the radio waves, the universal substance being a great broadcasting station. You or anyone else can tune in at any time or you can tune out at will, but you cannot shut anyone else out. You have absolute control over what you receive just as long as you confine your efforts to your own individual world. This means that you must give every-one the right to absolute freedom; including the members of your family, who also have the right, God- given, to draw to themselves whatsoever they wish.

Third Day

So far you have realized this is a working Principle that will work for you; now it follows that it must take a definite shape in your mind.

Hitherto, your life has failed to satisfy you because you have been too vague in what you wanted. Stop right here and think over the multitude of conflicting things you half wish for in a day. You wish for a home all your own, when it is the security from worry that you really want and which a home seems to represent. You think you want a certain business, when it is the prestige and income it produces that you crave. You think you would like to live in different surroundings, but you have no clear idea of what surroundings or conditions would please you. The thing to do is to form a clean cut picture of what you really want. Build yourself a beautiful world, filling in the details. See it in completion much the same as a magic lantern picture. Then speak this into the universal substance and know that it has immediately taken shape. Then let it alone and have patience so that you may bring forth a perfect manifestation. Add to it as much as you like, but do not dig up the original picture or you will not recognize your wish when you get it.

This does not mean that it takes a long time to realize your desire, but when we put it up to the Universal Mind to do something for us, it takes care of the details so that the gift will bless us, therefore, it rings it about in an orderly and satisfactory manner.

As soon as you have your picture finished give thanks that it is yours now. To say “you will have” keeps the thing desired dangling in the distance. Your Word is the cake-cutter that has already formed your DESIRE in a rarified form and it is as much a reality as if you could see it or touch it.

Whatsoever you DESIRE, ask for and know you have received it and you will have it.

Forth Day

Now your new world has taken form and it is in the hands of the Infinite Mind to bring forth as you have declared. You have nothing to do with the bringing forth. Please do not try to help. The superconscious mind within you has all knowledge of ways and means and also it has your desires at heart; it does not need your assistance, but it does need you to keep the way open. This you can do by keeping all destructive thoughts (anger, revenge, criticism, worry, etc.) out of your consciousness and by lifting up and purifying your subconscious mind (memory) and animal tendencies. Then fill your mind with thoughts of beauty, power, joy. In other words fall in love with the universe (this includes yourself). Give thanks continually for the blessings you have and agree with anything, person or condition that has distressed you in the past. Do not allow a word or action that is not in accord with the picture you have drawn.

Do whatever comes to hand as if it were a privilege. Just know that anything that occurs (no matter how bad it looks at the time) is necessary to the bringing forth of your new joy. The Principle commences to work the minute you speak the Word and it knows the end from the beginning; it might have to remove something out of the way, so rejoice over everything that happens.

Do not figure or puzzle over how your good will come to you. You can have whatever you ask, but you must not choose the way it is to come to you. All ways are open to the Infinite Mind and it chooses the best, and it is usually some avenue you would never think of.

Repeat often, “I have been given a new heaven (mind) and a new earth (body and affairs).” Watch your words, for according to your Word, so be it.

Fifth Day

What you will have in your world is your choice, therefore you must use discrimination. The question comes, “What is really good?” “What will bring me the most happiness?” The Spirit of Truth (inspiration) abides in you and is an ever present, reliable judge. Ask yourself the question, “Can I ask the same for the rest of the world that I ask for myself?” If the answer is “Yes,” it is right.

See yourself a center from which radiates a perpetual stream of uplifting thoughts to the ends of the world. Scatter silent blessings wherever you go. Whatever you give out comes back to you multiplied. It is necessary for you to give out to make room for your own good to come in, so the more you send abroad the more you will have to give.

Delight your soul in beauty and harmony always.

Get acquainted with yourself. Dig down under the layers of everyday smallness and petty conceits and see what a glorious creature you really are. Whatever you see in yourself will manifest in your outer world. Therefore, praise your highest thoughts of what is fine and pure, beautiful and strong. Search for the idea back of everything and every expression. You can find a way to agree with everything, even so-called evil and error, if you realize it is original energy misused. Everything is good in its place; find the place for it. Soap is excellent to cleanse you, but it is poor food; anger is energy perverted. Trace everything back to its original idea and you will enter a marvelous world and will say in gratitude to God, “Surely I have found the Kingdom of Heaven indeed.”

Sixth Day

You are now in tune with the Infinite. Let this thought sing through your mind. Should any old error thought bob up, balance it up with its opposite good and release them from mind and they will cease to trouble you. Do not struggle or strive even in mind. Rest in the knowledge that the universal forces are at work for you, YOU, YOU. Leave everything to God (feel that Mind so near that even in your dreams it speaks to you) and rejoice that such power and authority has been given to men.

The Will of God is for you to have whatever things you DESIRE. You are leaving things to His Executor (Christ) to be turned over to you on Demand.

Peace be unto you.


The Gift Extraordinary

Once upon a time a man gave a beautiful boy a marvelous violin. It was a joy to behold and so perfectly made that the lightest touch of the bow brought forth exquisite harmony. He could play anything he wished on this violin, but he could not lay it down till death released him.

At first the boy had great happiness in the sounds he made and he went about the world playing merry airs for the people he met and the people loved him for the joy he gave. But one of the strings got out of tune and the music was not so sweet, then another loosened and the sounds jangled and at last instead of music it was a mournful discord. The boy, now grown to a man, rarely played on it, for when he did the few old men who would listen to him grew older and wept.

He, in sadness, withdrew to the lonely places until, weary and desolate, he sat him down to die. While he waited for death there came the wish that he might play one more tune of beautiful harmony, but when he tried he found he had forgotten how. He felt that if someone could put his violin in tune he could remember and while he pondered the matter a fairy came and sat down beside him and he told her of his sorrow, how he could not put down the violin until death released him; how doleful were its tones and how he would like to break it but was afraid. The fairy seemed to remember something that made her very happy and said, “I know the man who gave you that violin and he is very good and kind and I am sure he would not want his gift to bring unhappiness to anyone, much less you whom he loved. Let’s look it over and perhaps I can help you find the beautiful music that has been lost.” So, together, they tightened the strings and straightened the bow and dusted and polished the case. Then the fairy said she knew of a place where the music would sound the sweetest, and she led the way far up on a high hill in the sunshine and there the man had great inspiration, and while he played the great joy of his heart went out on the exquisite harmony to the whole world, while the fairy sat at his feet and adored him.

As the man paused to rest he looked far out across the valley and beheld a great multitude of people coming up to him with rich gifts of beauty, in gratitude.

The boy is yourself; the violin is your life; the bow is your desire, and the strings are your thoughts. The fairy who comes and restores harmony is Love.