You Have An Inner Creative Power – Joseph Murphy

Joseph Murphy
Joseph Murphy

The deeper mind is responsive to your thought. The subconscious . . sometimes called “subjective or deeper mind” . . sets in operation its unconscious intelligence which attracts to the individual the conditions necessary for his success. Man should make it a special point to do the thing he loves to do. When you are happy in your endeavor, you are a success.

Accept the fact that you have an inner Creative Power. Let this be a positive conviction. This Infinite Power is responsive and reactive to your thought. To know, understand, and apply this principle causes doubt, fear, and worry to gradually disappear.

If a man dwells on the thought, for example, of failure, the thought of failure attracts failure. The subconscious takes the thought of failure as his request, and proceeds to make it manifest in his experience, because he indulges in the mental practice of conceiving failure. The subconscious mind is impersonal and nonselective.

Joseph Murphy


Excerpt From

David Allen - The Creative Power of Thought