Thought Seeks Its Own Kind – Mrs. Evelyn Lowes Wicker


Every thought in the universe seeks its own kind. There is a law of attraction which permeates the thought world. “Like attracts like.” Every thought that we think, when sent out into the ether is immediately, through the force of its own law, drawn to its own kind. When we think a thought of anger it immediately joins the other thoughts of anger that have been sent out in the world and becomes a part of that thought-current. When we think a thought of impatience the same thing happens, only in a lighter degree.

When you think of faith immediately that thought joins the higher plane of thought and you become connected with the thought of faith. Every thought has its own thought-current. Every mental picture that you have has a corresponding mental current in the ether. By constantly concentrating upon one type of thought, you become connected with that thought-plane of the universe, and you become a channel for those thoughts to play through. Let us suppose that thought current be hate. You have been hating someone or something. You are constantly thinking upon this destructive thought. You make it a part of yourself; you work your emotions up to a high pitch over the affront, or whatever it is that has brought this thought of hate to you. The more you concentrate upon it the more you become connected with the hate thought of the universe, until you become a channel for that thought-current. Not only do you suffer for your own hate thought, but you suffer from the hate thought of the whole world. When you have carried this far enough it becomes an obsession, and when hate becomes an obsession there is murder in the heart. The murders of the world have oftentimes been committed because the murderer connected up with the murder-thought of the world, and he became obsessed with the thought of murder and nothing but the doing of the deed could satisfy the obsession.

Mrs. Evelyn Lowes Wicker


Excerpted From

David Allen - The Creative Power of Thought