The Wealth Consciousness, The Money Bible – Maude Rockwell


How to Live in it

How to make it produce

We have read the story of the fig tree that was withered by the Word of God because it was barren. In the same way, a consciousness not productive becomes barren, and in course of time withers and dries up.

To acquire the wealth consciousness you must be very sure to view all things through this Law of producing. A half-filled consciousness is like a half-baked loaf of bread. Only part of it is usable, and in the using of the perfect part you are forced to sacrifice the good to do away with the half-baked.

The wealth consciousness never carries a thought of “I have not,” or “I cannot.” Instead it carries: “I Have” . . ”I AM.” This continual carrying of constructive thinking makes the thought become, as it were, second nature, and you find no time for the opposite.

The first idea that came to me in reading books such as “Life and Teachings of The Masters of The Far East” was the absolute certainty of everything written being an accepted fact in the mind of the writer, and every circumstance being a realization of God’s Law and not a “miracle” or an unusual instance. It just was.

Notice the way an expressman carries a trunk. Try and do it yourself. What makes it so easy for him? Two things: the knowledge of how, and the fact that he is using his knowledge. What, then, makes for success in any individual? The knowledge that he is a success, and that he is applying the principle he knows.

Wealth is Spirit, and Spirit is Wealth. This is the God definition. It does not make any difference how many added names there are in the family; the Eternal Name is Wealth. The little kittens in the basket may be male or female, but they are kittens!

Wealth expresses through whatever idea you are harboring in consciousness. I have a wealth consciousness: then I must be thinking of wealth in the words and pictures that represent in the outer the vision I receive when I think or speak them while thinking wealth. Thus I attract wealth in my surroundings, my friends, my ideas.

Wealthy people, whether recognized as such or not, will not take up residence with poverty-thought people, no matter how much they may love them personally. The poor, contracted thought hampers them from the free expression of their own greater consciousness.

The greater the consciousness, the greater will you become, and the more able to create in the outer. To hold this creative consciousness there must be no adulteration of the first perfect seed of greatness. No substitute for the perfect article is accepted in the Spirit consciousness or Mind consciousness wherein God is actively at work. The gardener is never ready to receive diseased plants in his perfect garden. Better wait until the perfect can be brought forth. Haste has brought forth many an inferior article. “I must do something,” says the anxious one, “I must have some return on this or that.” So they produce that often-quoted “Half-baked Bread.”

Write down what you consider the greatest thing in the way of wealth. Many will say, the wealth of a healthy body; some will only see wealth in money; others again, riches of harmony or Love.

Let us take the thought of a wealthy consciousness for perfect health. How shall you plant, or make ready to plant the first seed for health; by making null and void, by the power of the spoken word; the old records of lack of ease.

Affirm: I make null and void, by the power of my spoken word . . God speaking in and through me . . every old record of disease and separation from God-health.

Use this affirmation for the erasing of everything that keeps you from expressing perfection to yourself; use it for health, harmony, success, or whatever you are working to bring forth into the outer.

The wealth consciousness never sees a thing as it is in the outer, but as it is in the spirit mind or perfect Christ picture.

The great worker in the wealth consciousness is like a service station. It is a never-failing energy that improves with use. The more service is given, the more the wealth consciousness increases and desires to give forth. Suppression of service through fear of letting go, creates the proverbial poverty consciousness! On the other hand, the continual desire to serve, freely expressed, becomes in time a Christ condition of mind; and the constant thinking of the desire attracts to you the wealth with which to serve, whether in love, harmony, health or money. Like creates like, and multiplies and increases it. But, in order to get the second and third crops, we must plant the first seed.

The Thought Consciousness is magnified by concentration; by picturing the thing desired and nothing else; by not seeing the opposite under any circumstances.

There are three rules necessary to abide by in seeking the Wealth Consciousness.

First: Do not seek from the outer vision. Spirit Mind governs, and not Man Mind. Spirit creates through the thought placed in your mind. You do not create; you are the user.

Second: Use the thought that the creative Spirit gives you. Nothing happens by chance. Your own laws are set in motion by your own thinking and using. “As a man thinketh in his heart, so is he,” in his heart-mind.

Last, and most important believe in yourself. Your belief starts the Spirit Power working for you. All is within yourself. Remember the spider and his spinning; the endless thread that comes from Within out. Never forget. Obstacles Without are from Obstacles Within. You cannot have an overflow of water from an empty bucket!

Clear the Within. “Make clean first the inside of the platter!”

The Money Bible


Excerpt From

The Money Bible The Spiritual Secrets of Attracting Prosperity & Abundance