Neville Goddard, Imagination, The Redemptive Power in Man, Quotes 91 – 100


Neville Goddard Quotes

Neville Goddard - Imagination The Redemptive Power in Man



  1. May I tell you: before you entered this world of tribulation and death you were God the Father, but you did not know it. You had to come into this experience in order to know that the world is yours and all within it. And, since it is all the Father’s, the only way you can know it is all yours is to become the Father. You could own the earth, but if you did not know everything in it was yours for the taking, you could die of starvation, not knowing how to appropriate it.


  1. When you imagined you were the person you wanted to be and heard your friends rejoice at your good fortune, you entered that state and prepared a place in which to dwell; for at that moment Christ in you was speaking to the outer, rational you. As your own wonderful human imagination Christ is telling you that he knows you are afraid, that you have obligations in life which must be met, but to not be afraid for “I will go and prepare a place for you.” Knowing this, close your physical eyes upon the world round about you and let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid, for all things are possible to Christ (imagination) in you! Let him prepare the state, for he is the way to its fulfillment.


  1. Blake identified the human imagination with the divine body of the Lord Jesus Christ, saying: “Babel mocks saying there is no God or son of God, but thou, O human imagination, O divine body art all a delusion, but I know thee, O Lord.” Knowing exactly what he had experienced and how he traveled across the bridge of incident which led him back into this mundane state called the waking world, he knew . . when he opened his weary eyes . . that he had returned. But in that realm, whatever he imagined happened; and he knew the power of the creator. He knew that all things were made by imagination, and without imagination was not anything made that was made. If you awake in a dream and know exactly who is imagining it, you can control your dream. The same thing is true in this world. Become aware that it, too, is a dream. Awake! Remember who is imagining it, and control your day. Then one day you will completely awake to find yourself in that body which is the Lord Jesus Christ, to know that everything is your imagination pushed out. The restriction you imposed upon yourself when you came here was for the purpose of expansion, for you could not expand until you first reached the limit of contraction and opacity called man.


  1. Nothing has ever happened to you that you did not set in motion in your imagination. I tell you: you can be anything you want to be, but when you voice your request, your desire must be genuine. You must so want it that you are willing to remain faithful to your change in position. You cannot assume you have your desire for one little moment and then return to your former state, for if you do you are a double-minded man and will not receive anything from the (Imagining) Lord (as told us in the Book of James). If you want to be successful in business, you can. I don’t care how many creditors you owe, or what the bank says you have; if you assume success and persist in that assumption you cannot fail. This is the law by which everyone lives.


  1. Remember the story of the prodigal son? The first son did not leave his Father, but the second . . asking to be given what was his . . went into the world and wasted all. When the second one, having experienced the world of death, remembered his Father, he turned around and the Father gave him the robe, the ring and prepared a fatted calf for a merry reception in honor of his son who had returned. When the first son complained, the Father said: “Son, you are always with me. You never detached yourself, but have always remained here and all that is mine is yours.” Because of this the first son knew nothing of the power of imagination. Everything was his, but he didn’t know how to appropriate it. Tonight you could have a billion dollars in the bank and die of starvation if you didn’t know it was there. All that the Father has is yours, but you will never know it until you use your imagination to appropriate it! You and I have departed from the Father. It was his will to subject us to this world of futility. He did it in the hope that we would be set free from this world of decay where everything dies, and obtain the glorious liberty of the sons of God . . those who exercise their power of imagination lovingly.


  1. Take me seriously! Know what you want and then claim you have it. Tell a friend about it and feel his excitement for you. Persuade yourself that what you are imagining is true. Believe in its reality and it will come to pass as an objective fact on this level, I promise you. Then when the image is perfect, you will return to your ancestral self, and time will no longer be necessary between the imaginal act and the fact.


  1. A friend of mine, maybe, is unwell; or maybe he’s unemployed, or maybe he is not earning enough to meet the obligations of life. All right, he is in me. As I think of him, he’s in me. He need not be physically present for me to think of him; he’s in me. I think of him; I conjure him. Well, can I change his entire picture in me? I assume that he is talking to me, and he’s telling me that he has never had more, he has never felt better; and as I believe in what I am seeing in my own mind’s eye, . . I believe in him. That is Christ in me, and all things are possible to Christ. Well then, test it and see if it works. See if you do not see him in the not too distance future earning more, looking better; and everything in the world that you have done within you, he responds to. He need not praise you or thank you. You don’t need his praise; you don’t need his thanks. You don’t need confirmation from him, other than he does conform to what you have done in yourself concerning him. You ask no one to thank you. Thank nothing. You are simply exercising the power of God within you. “And the power of God and the wisdom of God is Jesus Christ”. And there is nothing in the world but God. It is all God in you “pushed out,” and God is your own wonderful human imagination. He can’t be closer. God is never so far off as even to be near, for nearness implies separation. He’s not separated. God actually, literally became as I AM, that I may be as He is. He is not something on the outside. No matter how near He is, He can’t even touch me. He actually became me, with all of my weaknesses, all of my limitations; and now I am trying to struggle within myself to find out who I AM, ­­ and that’s His name. My name is in Him. What’s your name? “Go and say I AM has sent you.” “Is that your name?” “Yes, forever and forever it is my name.” “What name? Jehovah?” “No.” “The Lord?” “No, I AM.” That’s His name. That is His name forever and forever.


  1. If the Lord (your imagination) claimed that David (the world) always does his will, and you, by a simple imaginal act, command the outer world to respond . . are you not the Lord?


  1. Persist in your imaginal acts and the world will respond. The world does not cause, it only responds to your imaginal acts, for only God acts and God is in you as your own wonderful human imagination. Now, before you judge it, try it. If you do, you cannot fail, and when you prove imagination in the testing, share the good news with your brothers. Tell everyone you meet how the world works. You do not have to have a proper educational or social background to apply this principle; and you cannot fail, for an assumption, though false, if persisted in will harden into fact.


  1. Imagination, which is Christ in man, is not subject to the necessity to produce only that which is perfect and good, it exercises its absolute freedom from necessity by endowing the outer physical self with free will to choose to follow good or evil, order or disorder.


Neville Goddard