May 1st, Think FROM Not OF – Neville Goddard


If we live in the dream, thinking from it, and not of it, then the creative power of imagining will answer our adventurous fancy and the wish fulfilled will break in upon us and take us unaware. Man is all Imagination, Therefore man must be, where he is, in Imagination, for his Imagination is himself.

To realize that Imagination is not something tied to the senses, or enclosed within the special boundary of the body, is most important. For though man moves about in space, by movement of his physical body, he need not be so restricted. He can move by a change in what he is aware of. However real the scene, on which sight rests, man can gaze in one never before witnessed. He can always remove the mountain, if it upsets his concept of what life ought to be.

This ability to mentally move, from things as they are, to things as they ought to be, is one of the most important discoveries that man can make. It reveals man as the center of imagining, with powers of intervention, which enable him to alter the course of observed events. Moving from success to success, through a series of mental transformations, of nature, of others and himself.

Neville Goddard


Excerpt From

Neville Goddard - Imagining Creates Reality - 365 Mystical Daily Quotes