June 21st, Blessed Are The Meek – Neville Goddard


The promise is,

“Blessed are the meek, for they shall inherit the earth.”

In the original text, the word translated as meek is the opposite of the words, resentful, angry.

It has the meaning of becoming “tamed” as a wild animal is tamed. After the mind is tamed, it may be likened to a vine, of which it may be said,

“Behold this vine. I found it a wild tree whose wanton strength had swollen into irregular twigs. But I pruned the plant, and it grew temperate in its vain expense of useless leaves, and knotted as you see into these clean, full clusters to repay the hand that wisely wounded it.”

A meek man is a self-disciplined man. He is so disciplined he sees only the finest, he thinks only the best. He is the one who fulfills the suggestion,

“Brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue and if there be any praise,
think on these things.”

We rise to a higher level of consciousness, not because we have curbed our passions, but because we have cultivated our virtues. In truth, a meek man is a man in complete control of his moods, and his moods are the highest, for he knows he must keep a high mood if he would walk with the highest.

It is my belief that all men can, like Dr. Millikan, change the course of their lives. I believe that Dr. Millikan’s technique of making his desire a present fact to himself is of great importance to any seeker after the “truth.”

Neville Goddard


Excerpt From

Neville Goddard - Imagining Creates Reality - 365 Mystical Daily Quotes