Feeling Grateful For Having Received – Neville Goddard


“Thank you, father.”

When you come into the joy of thanksgiving so that you actually feel grateful for having received that which is not yet apparent to the senses, you have definitely become one in consciousness with the thing for which you gave thanks.

God (your awareness) is not mocked.

You are ever receiving that which you are aware of being and no man gives thanks for something which he has not received.

“Thank you father”

is not, as it is used by many today a sort of magical formula.

You need never utter aloud the words,

“Thank you, father.”

In applying this principle as you rise in consciousness to the point where you are really grateful and happy for having received the thing desired, you automatically rejoice and give thanks inwardly. You have already accepted the gift which was but a desire before you rose in consciousness, and your faith is now the substance that shall clothe your desire.


Neville Goddard


Excerpt From

The Neville Goddard Collection