David Allen – The Power of I AM, Vol 2, Part 25


The ancients knew that the secret name of God had power. Now we do.

David Allen - The Power of I AM 2

As I ascend in consciousness the power and the glory that was mine return to me and I too will say “I have finished the work thou gavest me to do.” The work is to return from my descent in consciousness, from the level wherein I believed that I was a son of man, to the sphere where I know that I AM one with my Father and my Father is God.

Any attempt to move anything out of the body or the circumstances, anything which does not have a cause in Divine Mind, will nullify the demonstration. Disagreeable conditions have no existence whatever outside of consciousness; therefore we must look to our own thoughts for a solution of our problems. The human body and the body of one’s affairs will automatically express the prevailing state of thought in the mind. When we discover that our Mind is the Mind of God, that His Power is our Power, we shall be so close to Him that He will be in everything we do. When the I AM is given dominion over our consciousness, it works perfectly. Realizing this, we can walk perfectly, hear perfectly and see perfectly. Let this mind be in you.

To begin the day with the statement, “I AM young, because my entire being is perpetually renewed,” is to place the strong, clear thought of the morning in perfect harmony with the natural process of perpetual renewal, and every state of the mind that is formed during the day will be a youth producing state. It is well, however, to frequently repeat this statement during the day, though these repetitions should never have the slightest trace of the mechanical. When you affirm, in thought, “I AM young,” make that affirmation so clear, so positive and so strong that you can feel the vibrations of youth and vigor thrill every atom in your being; and try to feel these vibrations so deeply that their actions will penetrate into the very depth of the subconscious.

To train the mind to think the truth about the renewing process that is ever keeping the body young, it is highly important to affirm the statement: “My entire being is ever young and new, because nature permits no cell to remain in my body more than a few months, when it builds a new one in its place.” To this may be added, “Nature gives me a new body every year”; “My mind is new every morning,” and “My life comes forth from the Creator of life every moment as fresh and as new as the flowers of the springtime.”

I know I AM the creator of my own world, I AM the center of my own world; I AM the center round which my world revolves and in that center is Reality. As soon as Reality becomes known to the mind of the individual it expresses itself. The mind becomes clear and Reality is expressed outwardly . . then there is no longer any craving, no longer any opposing images, there is only the direct manifestation on the outer plane, that is the Christ.

Remember, the I AM in you is your part of Divinity. Some sage put it . . “Whatever the Creator is, I AM.” How often have you said . . “I AM poor, I AM sick, I AM ignorant, I AM weak” . . and thus fastened these evils upon yourself? You acknowledged a lack of something. What can you build with minus quantities? Only emptiness, void.

Reverse all that. Whenever you say “I AM”, whenever you thus call upon the God in You, make it something you WANT. “I AM rich. I AM powerful. I AM well and whole and strong. I AM happy. I AM perfect in every way.”

Make an I AM Scrap Book, with your picture on the first page, then pictures of supermen or genii or whatever your idea of power may be scattered throughout the pages of the book. Put in it pictures of all the things you would like to be and do. And fill it with such affirmations as these:

“The Spirit of Prosperity fills my mind and overflows into my affairs. I AM is my perfect will; through me it is done.” “There is only one Presence and one Power in my life . . I AM, the Good Omnipotent. I AM is my inexhaustible source of abundant supply. The riches of the Spirit now fill my mind and affairs. I think prosperity. I talk prosperity, and I know that prosperity and success are mine.”

Freedom is assured when we let go of the personal sense, the consciousness of the body which we have so long separated from the Universal Mind of God. To tell a blind man that he can see, or a lame man that he can walk, is the truth of the Omnipresent Self. He may desire to know this, try to imagine or pray that it is so, but until he is conscious only of the I AM within him as the center of his sight or his walking, nothing will happen. When one is absolutely relaxed, conscious only of being conscious, when he has taken his attention away from himself and from his world and fixed his attention only upon the I AM within him, he will be in tune with everything in the Universe and have dominion over it.

“All the Life, Strength and Vitality that is in God, is now flowing into my body abundantly. I AM attuned to the Divine Energy of Divine Life, Light and Love.” Use this daily, sincerely, and it will help you more than I can tell. You will realize its Truth more and more.

I AM a creative being. I create by thinking an idea, at the same time knowing that I AM connected with a universal force which carries out to fulfillment the idea I AM thinking. That makes me free for I can think what I wish to think.

You will then have discovered through actual conscious experience that individual existence is impossible without perpetual health, and also that that part of you which is life must therefore be perfectly well at all times. As you grow in the consciousness of your own individual “I AM,” this truth will become clearer and clearer, until finally every thought you think will be actually permeated with the realization that the real man is well, and that you are the real man. Whether you are conscious or not of the fact that you are the soul, and that the soul or the real man is well, you can easily reason the matter out. Pure reason will convince you that there is something in man that is always well; and when you examine that something, you will find it to be your own individuality the self-conscious “I AM” the real you.

We are Thinking Beings! I AM a Thinking Being! You are a Thinking Being!

Through your thinking you create for there is a force, a mighty universal force, wise and loving, everywhere present, within and without. This universal force runs according to your thinking and produces the outer visible forms of your thinking. This force flows toward good or evil as you think. If you reverse your thinking, you reverse the flow of the force. You are creative then, for as you think so you become.

You are permitted to think anything you will. You, of all created beings have the power of choice. You need only think what you allow yourself to think. If you object to an idea, you can refuse to think that idea. Then that idea and that thing cannot be created in your world.

“There are many people who are today convinced that there is a technique of creative thinking and that when man uses his mind in this certain way, that he not only uses his own creative power at its highest potential, but that he predisposes both people and events to respond to his pur­poses.  “Doubtless we are already obeying most of this mental technique, but to know its steps and consciously obey them, will certainly intensify our creative thinking and so hasten the result. Let me give you a brief statement of the exact nature of this creative technique. Here it is in a formula:

“When I AM conscious that my mind is an
Absolute creative power,
Whatever I ardently desire,
Vividly imagine,
Joyously believe is possible,
and Expectantly act toward,
Will Inevitably manifest.

Don’t let anything that has happened in your life discourage you. Don’t let poverty or lack of education or past failures hold you back. There is only one power . . the I AM in you . . and it can do anything. If in the past you have not used that power, that is too bad as far as the past is concerned, but it is not too late. You can start NOW. “Be still, and know that I AM God.”

The thought which we must keep in mind is that God Consciousness does not change or add anything to us. Our only purpose is to reveal the Life Principle and Power of the Universal Mind, God. When we treat, or attempt to move negative conditions such as disease and poverty, we are recognizing two powers and binding the negative conditions to us. We are unconsciously admitting that the good we seek does not exist. Jesus said, I AM come not to destroy, but to fulfill. Even a thought about lack, or a desire to add substance to ourselves, is to discredit the Mind which is the Substance of all things. The positive qualities of the I AM will always become visible when we drop from our consciousness the belief in the negative qualities.


I know that Nature’s modes are all conceived in abundance. With lavish hand she pours out her treasure from a limitless fountain of rich inner energies. I mentally put myself in tune with Mother Nature’s abundance realizing that this is the mode of Infinite Mind. I, too, desire, think, feel and act with a sense of abundance and power. Since I AM a part of Mind, the One Creativeness, . . an individualization of this One Limitless Creativeness, why should I not pour out from the limitless reservoirs of inner power, not only abundance for myself but rich treasures for all those whom I know? I think of myself as a focal point for the limitless productiveness of the universe. Whatever I can think and believe, I can produce. This is the message of the universe to me. I believe it. I act upon it. It is done, or is even now being done.

First of all, let us define Mind. Mind is thinking Substance . . not the Substance by which we think, but Substance that thinks. It works by law and is omnipresent. Mind is something. There is more evidence of Mind than there is of matter. I AM in this thinking Substance called Mind and I cannot move any part of my body without moving it by and through this wonderful something. “This something” surrounds us. I AM walking through it, thinking into it and it thus registers the vibrations of every thought and word. As you think into this Substance, it is transformed; not changed, but transformed.

Remember, as you think so do you receive. If you think negatively you will receive negative results. When they come to you in the form of failure, sickness, trouble, disappointment and hatred, do not complain . . it is what you prayed for, for thought is prayer. Change your thinking . . your thoughts. People complain of their ill luck and do not seem to realize that they bring it upon themselves. They speak into this universal Substance and form it and it returns to them. “Ask and ye shall receive.” Ask positively and ye shall receive positively. It is according to your word . . this you must realize.

Here it is: “I have arisen; I have awakened. I AM the Reality, Truth and Life. I will persevere in my endeavor and advancement until I have come into my own higher Self, which is boundless in capacity. I will remain steadfast in the Soul quest and Attainment.

If you will follow this simple mantra, its mystical effect will prove a God’s truth to you. Can I make this statement stronger, and further convince you? Try it. Knowledge is the attribute of man. Wisdom is the attribute of the Infinite. Both knowledge and wisdom come to you from their source, the Absolute, whom we call God.

I AM is the Omnipresent, Universal Mind of God. It is the Principle of divine Unity underlying all creation; when Self-conscious in man. There is no separation in Spirit; the individual mind can never be separated from the Universal Mind.

GOD, is your own consciousness, your I AM. That is the only creative law in the world. Of what are you conscious of being? Although you cannot see your objective with the limited focus of your three-dimensional mind, you are now that which you have assumed you are. Walk in that assumption and remain faithful to it.


All I AM Quotes From The Power of I AM Volume 2 are from the following Authors

Fay Adams, U. S. Andersen, Raymond Charles Barker, M. MacDonald-Bayne, Joseph Benner, Kate Atkinson Boehme, Thomas Parker Boyd, Louise Brownell, H. Emilie Cady, Robert Collier, Florence Gloria Crawford, Mrs. Dan M. Davidson, Walter Devoe, Franklin Fillmore Farrington, Charles Fillmore, Emmet Fox, John Seaman Garns, Harry Gaze, Neville Goddard, Henry Hand, Shirley Bell Hastings, Ernest Holmes, C. W. Kyle, Christian D. Larson, Elinor S. Moody, Joseph Murphy, Janeski Robenoff, Robert A. Russell, John Milton Scott, Elizabeth Towne, Thomas Troward, Helen Wilmans