David Allen – The Power of I AM, Vol 2, Part 16


The ancients knew that the secret name of God had power. Now we do.

David Allen - The Power of I AM 2

“I AM” is Success.

Success is “I AM.”

“I AM” the “I AM.”

“I AM” . . Success.

This is the meaning of the fourth line . . “I AM” . . Self. It is the God within who is Success, for “I AM” was the original Idea of God.

With these introductory remarks, I shall begin to show you that if you are going to demonstrate your abundant supply you must have the consciousness of that supply. You have not had the consciousness because you have not had the understanding.

Health, Wealth or Happiness is a matter of consciousness. That which you are conscious of, you are and have. If you know Truth you have Truth; if you are conscious of error you entertain a belief in evil. In the past, the first has been called health, prosperity, happiness . . heaven . . the second has been called disease, death, poverty and discord . . hell. Both states are not places but states of consciousness. It is the “consciousness” of Abundance that man needs in order to attract Abundance unto him.

Look within yourself for the source of all power. I AM the great power of God expressing as ME. I AM the great abundance for all my needs and a surplus to spare. That to which I give my attention reveals itself. So give your attention to the things you want! Fill your Scrap Book with pictures of them. Put over and under and around them such affirmations as these:

“I AM is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the Power that worketh in us. I rejoice in the bounty of I AM, constantly manifesting to meet my every need.”

“If ye abide in Me and my words abide in you, ye shall ask what ye will and it shall be done unto you. For herein is the Father glorified, that ye bear much fruit.” “Your Father knoweth what things ye have need of before you ask Him. Fear not, for it is the (I AM) Father’s good pleasure to give you the Kingdom. All that the Father hath is yours, and you are in all ways prospered.”

“I will give thee hidden riches of secret places, that thou mayest know that I AM the God (I AM) of Israel. Remember that . . “According to thy faith be it done unto you. “So believe that you RECEIVE! If your beliefs are all for the future, you will get them in the distant future but never NOW. You will never quite catch up with them. “Now is the accepted time. Now is the day of salvation.” Realize that all these good things are NOW coming into manifestation in your life. Bless and thank God for them NOW.

Listen now: While the upper brain is Lord of the body there is yet a higher, which is Lord of All. The I AM That I AM is positive to the brain as the brain is to the body.

The highest brain is the present consciousness of the I AM. This is just as true in the lower order of life as in man himself; as true in primitive man as in Christ. The I AM That I AM is constantly working upon the highest in the individual, to unfold, to make conscious more of itself, the One, to that individual.

The I AM neither slumbers nor sleeps. It acts with omnipresent power, inexorable power, loving power, upon the brain . . pressing for recognition. This it is to which Jesus referred when he declared, “Behold I (the I AM) stand at the door and knock, and if any man will open unto me I will come unto him and sup with him and he with me.”

We are told that the atmosphere presses upon us at the rate of fifteen pounds to the square inch. Who can measure the mighty force of the I AM That I AM? It will not be denied. Sooner or later each individual recognizes its insistent knocking and opens the door that it may come in. And “eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, nor hath it entered into the heart of man,” the glories awaiting him who opens himself to receive from his I AM.

The door through which I AM enters is in the upper brain. He does not enter as a person, or even as an idea, but rather as a stream of finest energy . . most positive energy.

The action of this stream of finest energy upon the already organized brain, refines it, dissolving and resolving its actual tissues into new Ideas. Ideas are organizations of thought force, and “thoughts are things”; that is, they are substantial just as the body is, only more so! . . namely, finer and more powerful.

What is conceived in the brain by the action of the I AM is sent out from the brain, through the nerve highways, into all the body. Being finer, and so positive, it acts upon the negative body tissues just as the I AM acts upon the brain; dissolving and resolving the tissues after its own pattern . . the “pattern given to thee in the mount”; the mountain, or head.

The highest intelligence in each individual is his most potent force; the thought conceived by the action of his I AM. It is the truth which the I AM has revealed to him. He has gained it through the “soul sense.” It is the direct result of inspiration; the same kind of inspiration that we read about.

The I AM has always been speaking to us in this way; to every being on earth or in the heavens.

But, because of our limited intelligence, we have denied our highest thoughts as visionary and impractical. Thus we have ignorantly forbidden them to incarnate in the body. We have refused to receive the inspiration given us, not knowing its divine values.

We have so made for ourselves a prison of the actual. The actual has held us in its mighty womb, until we have grown to such proportions that we must be “born again” —”born from above.”

“The whole creation groaneth and travaileth together in pain until the manifestation of the sons of God.”

“Oh, thou that pinest in the imprisonment of the Actual, and criest bitterly to the Gods for a kingdom wherein to rule and create, know this of a truth, the thing thou seekest is already with thee, here or nowhere, couldst thou only see!” —Thomas Carlyle.

Look up, Sweetheart, and see. Look up to the Ideals which are the source of all power; look out upon the Actual which is plastic to receive the impress of the Ideal. Behold the Omnipotent power which is at thy disposal, the realm in which thou mayest create!

Caleb went into the promised land because he “wholly followed the Lord his God.” Upon the same principle, and only so, will we come into our promised land of immunity from disease of every form.

We must consciously rise to the Ideal realm, the highest, and live there. For what we think upon, we embody. We are what we have recognized; we shall be what we are recognizing today. We are choosing each moment either our highest or something less.

Our highest thought, persisted in will change any defect of temperament, and thus free us from disease and death. “Let patience have her perfect work.”

We have discovered that the father-mother of all creation is man’s I AMness. Man’s consciousness is God. I AM conscious of the state. I AM the father-mother of all my ideas and my mind remains faithful to this new concept of self. My mind is disciplined. I take into that state the disciples, and I shut out of that state everything that would deny it.

What is back of that success? A law as old as the hills, a law that has been known to psychologists for years . . the law that the subconscious mind accepts as true anything that is repeated to it convincingly and often. And once it has accepted such a statement as true, it proceeds to mold the Creative Force working through it in such wise as to MAKE IT TRUE!

You see, where the conscious mind reasons inductively, the subconscious uses only deductive reasoning. Where the reasoning mind weighs each fact that is presented to it, questions the truth or falsity of each, and then forms its conclusions accordingly, the subconscious acts quite differently. IT ACCEPTS AS FACT ANY STATEMENT THAT IS PRESENTED TO IT CONVINCINGLY. Then, having accepted this as the basis of its actions, it proceeds logically to do all in its power to bring it into being.

That is why the two most important words in the English language are the words . . “I AM.” That is why the Ancients regarded these two words as the secret name of God.

The development of what may be termed the consciousness of soul, or the realization of the I AM and the perfection of the I AM, will demonstrate conclusively to any mind that the life of every individual is continuous and endless; in fact, to become conscious of the I AM is to know that the I AM and life are identical, and we know that life is indestructible. Then add to this the great fact that you, the real you, constitutes the I AM, and you have an exact basis upon which you may demonstrate to yourself through pure reason that you shall continue perpetually to live.

As one realizes the allness of Mind as thinking Substance . . he “dwells in the secret place of the most High and abides under the shadow of the Almighty.” Assert the fact that you are “Mind” in visible expression (pressed out) and no harm can come to you. This may be a long step for you but it is worthwhile.

The words in the Absolute . . Spirit, Mind, Life or Truth all mean the same thing. To select any one word and use it is sufficient to convey the desired knowledge. Christ gave the following definition of (I AM) God . . “God is Spirit”, Since God is also Mind or Intelligence we may accept any of the following words as synonyms for the word “God”: I AM, Life, Light, Love, Mind, Intelligence, Power, Spirit, Substance or Truth.

For the purpose of making clear to man the thought that I AM is Supply, I ask that the student remember that Mind also means Substance. When you say Mind is everywhere, you are also saying that Substance is everywhere.

Jesus, when he stood up to read the prophecy from Isaiah stating that someone would find the means by which this mind would be put in action, said: “This is finished,” and closed the book. In other words, I can do it, I AM That mind made manifest. I can do all that that mind can do, (here is the greatest message to mankind), by admitting my desires and asking this mind, or Father, of whom I AM the son or expression, to do it for me. “Of myself (or the little intellect), I can do nothing; but the Father (or original desire of Spirit to express itself in action and form) doeth the works.”

God is Pure Spirit, Infinite Mind, and Infinite Intelligence. The Bible calls the Name of God, “I AM,” meaning Pure, Unconditioned Being. No one can, of course, define God, for God is Infinite, but there are certain Truths which the illumined of all ages have perceived as true of God, and that is why the Bible says, “I AM That I AM.” What is “I AM?” It is your True Being . . your Real Self; nobody can say, “I AM,” for you. That is the Presence of God in you, and your Real Identity. Whatever you affix to “I AM,” and believe, you become. Always claim, “I AM strong, powerful, radiant, happy, joyous, illumined, and inspired”; then you are truly practicing the Presence, for all these qualities are true of God.

He told his disciples that it was not necessary to have a fancy name or a reason for a desire, that you wanted it, was sufficient. You need not put two cloaks on it, you need not refine it, or have gold in your purse; neither need you work for it, as symbolized by the brass. It is unnecessary for you to keep your mind on your DESIRE, for he said plainly that they were to rejoice when he left them, for “I go to prepare a place for you … I will come again, and receive you unto myself; that where I AM, there ye may be also” . . or, the desire will manifest itself to you. But in the meantime “I will not leave you comfortless,” for “the Holy Ghost (inspiration which I will send in my name . . DESIRE), he shall teach you all things;” or in other words, follow your hunch and it will lead you into your desire.


All I AM Quotes From The Power of I AM Volume 2 are from the following Authors

Fay Adams, U. S. Andersen, Raymond Charles Barker, M. MacDonald-Bayne, Joseph Benner, Kate Atkinson Boehme, Thomas Parker Boyd, Louise Brownell, H. Emilie Cady, Robert Collier, Florence Gloria Crawford, Mrs. Dan M. Davidson, Walter Devoe, Franklin Fillmore Farrington, Charles Fillmore, Emmet Fox, John Seaman Garns, Harry Gaze, Neville Goddard, Henry Hand, Shirley Bell Hastings, Ernest Holmes, C. W. Kyle, Christian D. Larson, Elinor S. Moody, Joseph Murphy, Janeski Robenoff, Robert A. Russell, John Milton Scott, Elizabeth Towne, Thomas Troward, Helen Wilmans