David Allen – The Power of I AM, Vol 2, Part 10


The ancients knew that the secret name of God had power. Now we do.

David Allen - The Power of I AM 2

The inner force of the thought, when awakened, will express and produce the exact nature of the thought; and therefore, whatever you may wish your thought to produce, if you think the right thought and think living thought, the results will come as expected. To think the right thought is simple; all that is necessary for general purposes is to affirm that you are what you wish to realize and express through body, mind and personality, and to form in the mind as clear a mental picture as possible of those conditions you desire to produce in yourself. If you wish to produce health affirm mentally, “I AM well”, “I AM strong”, “I AM strong and well”, “I AM perfectly whole and sound through and through”, “Absolute health fills and thrills every atom in my being”, and statements of a similar nature. Think these thoughts over and over again with deep conviction until your mind is actually full of them; and at the same time picture mentally the condition of health in every part of your system.

You do not have to worry about getting there by this route or that route; you are already there but do not know it. No longer will you have to believe that which is false to receive the Truth. You are filled with the Truth when you know it. No one can create the Truth. IT IS. Only false concepts we create. The Truth is beyond our imagination, therefore what we have in our imagination is an idea . . a sensation; the Truth is none of these. IT IS. You are the Truth. “I AM the Truth,” the Master said.

Of one thing we may be certain; it is possible to remember anything that has ever transpired on this planet. It is also possible to see what might happen in the future, except it is changed through prayer. The real truth about you is this: I am referring to the Eternal You . . the I AMness within you, your own Consciousness, or Awareness. You have been all men who ever lived, who live now, or whoever will live. You have been Jesus, Moses, Beethoven, Lincoln, and Shakespeare. Your Consciousness or awareness has played all roles; It has been everywhere; It has seen everything . . all is within It . . even the whole universe is within your own I AMness. Your Consciousness or Awareness wrote all Bibles, and spoke all languages; therefore you . . the Invisible Self of you . . knows the meaning of every part of the Bible. Ask yourself what did I mean when I wrote the Bible two thousand or five thousand years ago? The Deep Self of you has the answer.

Jesus concluded the prayer with the oldest word in our possession. Amen. The word is actually the sacred name for the Power back of all creation and means literally, The Hidden One. Amen is really the cohesive force of any prayer. It is a word that precipitates immediate expression. It clinches and vitalizes all other affirmations. It sets the Universal Forces into activity. Amen should be used after every affirmation and prayer, and be thought of as the Power of the I AM (Spirit) to impregnate substance. Amen is the mighty pronouncement that It is done.


We HAVE now reached the lesson that deals with the metaphysical aspect of our subject. First we discovered the manner in which Mind works from the objective side. Then we became acquainted with the idea that the world we see is not material but spiritual. We also learned that the thought of space is eliminated by knowing that space has never existed. Now we are ready for the thought that Universal Mind is active from the subjective side. Its manifestations, to be sure, will be objective.

The student should keep in mind the fact that desire from within is not his personal desire. The desire for health, wealth and happiness is not personal but impersonal. The Universal Mind desires to manifest and express these states of Being through you. Because this is true, the personal struggle, which is always accompanied by anxiety and worry, may be dropped from man’s life. To learn this lesson is to have learned much.

Since desire is in the great Mind and all these desires are good, the only thing necessary for us to do is to let. This, remember, does not mean that there will be inaction but it does mean that you will be conscious that it is not the personal but the impersonal “you” that works. Relaxation of course is necessary but when one has understanding, he finds it easy to relax.

God is “I AM” and “I AM” . . God. When the personal mind (conscious) relaxes and “lets” the great Mind (“I AM”) at the center of one’s very Being express, it will work and work perfectly. As you recall the teaching step by step, you will be aware that I AM” is at the center of things. You also find that “I AM” is at the center of your own Being. This then is plain and reasonable . . that when you are still and your conscious mind is conscious not of things. but of the “I AM” within you, you are in tune with everything in the Universe. Being in tune with the Universe, you exert an unconscious pull on things and will draw to you the thing which you desire most.

That is why I do not say, “Think of the thing that you want,” but “Think of the Substance (“I AM”) of the thing.”

This great Universal Mind {“I AM”) is always flowing into our bodies, whether we are conscious of it or not. The student should remember that he does not alter the fact of Truth by what he thinks of it; he simply alters his own manifestation of it. We do not change Truth by our opinions of it; we change its manifestation in our own experience. “As a man thinketh, so is he” . . in manifestation.

Inasmuch as this great Mind is flowing into our bodies, it must. of necessity have an outlet. This conclusion leads us to accept the following: The Universal Mind flows through us, but registers or localizes itself in the solar plexus and from this point radiates by thought to the world. Therefore we see that God (“I AM”) is the only Thinker, Actor, Power and Life. Then “I AM” . . Success or if it would be easier for the student to realize the impersonal, he may say, “I AM is Success.” If he wishes to say, “God is Success,” he is saying the same thing. It is not so much what we say, so far as the words are concerned; it is the understanding with which we say them.

God is the “inflow” and God is also the “outflow”; then “God is All and in All.” Since there is but one Energy and that is God, this is the only conclusion for man to reach: God speaks; God works; God thinks; God acts; God writes; God walks; God sings; God plays upon the musical instrument. I might go on indefinitely, for this power is “All and in All.”

By receiving this understanding, the student will see that human “personality” is eliminated; the one who has gained this knowledge has found a new world.

Those who are conscious of God speaking, speak perfectly; those who realize that God walks, have been healed and have regained the power of walking after having been in bed for years. The realization that God sees, has cured many of the belief in faulty sight. Since “God is All and in All,” there is no personal mind; no personal self; no personal desire, will or responsibility. Personal mind, self, will and desires mean belief in human personality (separation from God), and will bring failure unless corrected by a knowledge of Truth.

“Sensing the Allness of God, leaving out all trace of human personality, if earnestly engaged in, will permanently remove every difficulty from my path.”

I AM a creative being. I create by thinking ideas. My ideas are brought forth by the wise and loving Force. I create as high as I can think. My equipment consists of mind-force with my ideas and feeling. It is wise for me to love much while I AM creating. Practice makes perfect. I will myself to practice meditation, to image the idea I wish to bring forth. I practice going into my closet of mind and closing the door. I practice living with the idea I wish to bring forth.

Your consciousness is the individualized Consciousness of God and the only creative Power there is. When it begins to manifest in your own mind, creating images and externalizing these images, the consciousness is still within them and is the only reality they have. There is nothing else real except consciousness that created them. Immediately you have a change of consciousness in regard to them it changes the forms. The same law and quality is the same in the Divine Mind, but is vastly different in degree; it is the same action, the same motive action. The Divine Mind being perfect in itself, God Almighty, there is no flaw or reaction.

This is beyond the comprehension of human beings, and even beyond the comprehension of the Archangels in Heaven, who are aware of their own consciousness yet they cannot analyze that consciousness because it recedes into eternity. The Divine Mind creating by its own Consciousness, expresses the image of man and there the Divine dwells in man and is the only reality in man. The Consciousness of God directs the Intelligence, the Active Principle, out picturing the Divine Image in the Substance and Form comes forth. I AM the Life! I AM the Life!

One day man will realize that his own I AMness is the God he has been seeking throughout the ages, and that his own sense of awareness . . his consciousness of being . . is the one and only reality.

To remove the cause of so-called sickness (sickness and disease are not real, for if they were they could never be changed or healed) is to change the thought from the present channel into another, no matter how much the physical body may desire attention.

We should say:

I AM well. I AM healthy; for the I AM of us, the God Principal, can never be otherwise. We should believe and know that we are well and healthy; and if we never doubt it, we shall be amazed at the wonderful results we will derive from this thought.

Every time we find our thought dwelling on the condition of sickness or disease, we should immediately change our thought to Love, Life, Health and Happiness. And if we cannot think of anything to meditate on, we should look at the great abundance of health and happiness in Nature; and there, we shall find many blessings to think about.

Thought can, and does, everything that humanity needs to have done. This being true, and we know it is true, we should use our thought to bring about the health and happiness within us.

This thinking being that I AM, creating with the Force, lives in a wonderful temple of body. My body is built and rebuilt by the thinking going on within it. I can create a perfect body if I will think thoughts which tend that way. With the Force, this creative and thinking being that I AM, living in the wonderful body, may have rich conditions about me, if I will think thoughts which tend to richness.

There is One Infinite Mind from which all things come. This Mind is through, in, and around man. It is the Only Mind there is and every time man thinks he uses It. There is One Infinite Spirit and every time man says “I AM” he proclaims It. There is One Infinite Substance and every time man moves he moves in It. There is One Infinite Law and every time man thinks he sets this Law in motion. There is One Infinite God and every time man speaks to this God, he receives a direct answer. ONE! ONE! ONE! “I AM God and there is none else.” There is One Limitless Life, which returns to the thinker exactly what he thinks into It. One! One! One! “In all, over all, and through all.” Talk, live, act, believe and know that you are a center in this One. All the Power there is, all the Presence there is, all the Love there is, all the Peace there is, all the Good there is, and the Only God there is, is Omnipresent. Consequently, the Infinite is in and through man and is in and through everything. “Act as though I AM and I will be.”


All I AM Quotes From The Power of I AM Volume 2 are from the following Authors

Fay Adams, U. S. Andersen, Raymond Charles Barker, M. MacDonald-Bayne, Joseph Benner, Kate Atkinson Boehme, Thomas Parker Boyd, Louise Brownell, H. Emilie Cady, Robert Collier, Florence Gloria Crawford, Mrs. Dan M. Davidson, Walter Devoe, Franklin Fillmore Farrington, Charles Fillmore, Emmet Fox, John Seaman Garns, Harry Gaze, Neville Goddard, Henry Hand, Shirley Bell Hastings, Ernest Holmes, C. W. Kyle, Christian D. Larson, Elinor S. Moody, Joseph Murphy, Janeski Robenoff, Robert A. Russell, John Milton Scott, Elizabeth Towne, Thomas Troward, Helen Wilmans