David Allen – The Power of I AM – Part 6


David Allen - The Power of I AM


“I of myself can do nothing,” . .  the mind, the body, the form, the character in the dream, the picture on the screen can do nothing. But I AM, which is All-in-all, which is without beginning and end, . .  this “I” is Truth and can do all because it is all.

I AM the way, and you are that I AM; you must be or you could not be one with the Father. If you are not that I AM you would be separated from God, and no soul can be separate from God and live. Claim your divine sonship; claim your divine inheritance; claim that supreme power that overcomes the world; it belongs to you; it is you; know this truth and this truth shall make you free.

Eliminate all negative thoughts that come into your mind. Yet do not spend all your time in denials but give much of it to the clear realization of the everywhere present and waiting substance and life. Some of us have in a measure inherited “hard times” by entertaining the race thought so prevalent around us. Do not allow yourself to do this. Remember your identity, that you are a son of God and that your inheritance is from Him. You are the heir to all that the Father has. Let the I AM save you from every negative thought. The arrows that fly by day and the pestilence that threatens are these negative race thoughts in the mental atmosphere. The I AM consciousness, your Savior, will lead you out of the desert of negation and into the Promised Land of plenty that flows with milk and honey.

The One and Only Power

The Bible calls this Power, I AM, which means Being, life, awareness, unconditioned consciousness, Self Originating Spirit. All things are made by the self contemplation of Spirit, or God. It creates by Itself, becoming the thing It creates. “Before Abraham, was I AM”. This means before any objectification or manifestation of ideals or desires takes place, the unconditioned or formless awareness . . I AM . .  conditions Itself into the image and likeness of your concept or ideal.

You think you lack love, money, home, etc., but what you really lack is the consciousness of God . . I AM. If He were dwelling in your thoughts continually these things would be added. Jesus did not worry about hotel accommodations when he went from place to place, he simply knew that “the upper chamber” was always ready for him. All things are mental before they are expressed in the material. Then speak the word out: “My word shall not return unto me void, but shall accomplish whereunto it is sent.”

The I AM can never be coerced or robbed of its perfect freedom, and all attempts in that line will meet with final disaster. When we have once decided to return to the Father’s house, to regain this lost estate within, it is an easy road. It may seem hard at the start, because we have to throw away so much baggage, but it grows easier as we get closer and closer to the great heart of the loving Father. A Helper has been provided, the “Spirit of truth . . shall guide you into all the truth”; all we have to do is to seek honestly and sincerely to enter in. “Seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you.” This promise is to everyone.

The works are finished. All that is required of you to let these qualities into expression is the claim . . I AM That. Claim yourself to be that which you desire to be and that you shall be. Expressions follow the impressions, they do not precede them. Proof that you are will follow the claim that you are, it will not precede it.

The “I AM” within you, which means Being, Life, Awareness, Self Originating Spirit, etc. is God, or the Life Principle. “I AM” is the true Christmas tree, and all gifts are on the Christmas tree, for God is both the giver and the gift. If you work for someone and he pays you, he is liquidating an obligation; but “I AM” is a gift to you. No work or sacrifice is needed.

But it is wonderfully simple when you understand it. You are demonstrating the so-called fall of man every time you lose yourself in the whirl of sense pleasure. The mission of the I AM is happiness. It seeks joy and bliss; they are set before it in unstinted measure, and it revels in their intoxicating draughts, but the mastery of the higher mind should ever be maintained.

The symbol of the ring is to emphasize the importance of changing the focus of man’s belief from matter and external conditions to Spirit, the Cause of all. Isaiah stresses the great truth that there is only One Power of creation, and it is I AM, or consciousness, awareness, mind or imagery. There is no other creative power. Your mind must reach an absolute conviction regarding the One Power, which is beyond all argument, disputation and comparison; then you reach a point of real faith and confidence, which is your rest in God


All the quotes in The Power of I AM are credited
to the following authors.

Neville Goddard, Joseph Murphy, Walter C. Lanyon, Walter Devoe, Lillian DeWaters, Emmet Fox, Ella Wheeler, Christian D Larson, Edna Lister, Thomas Troward