David Allen – The Power of I AM – Part 5


David Allen - The Power of I AM


It is not, I will be master, but it is, I AM master. It is not, I will succeed, but it is, I AM success. It is not, I will have health, but it is, I AM health, wholeness, perfection. I AM all life, all intelligence, all good, all glory, for the only “I” there is, is “I AM That I AM.” God, Father, Son, Christ, Jesus, Life, I, Intelligence, Soul, Spirit, Love, Being, One, Totality, are synonymous terms, all meaning ,the one God, the one I AM, for besides this, there is none else.

So when you say, “I AM poor, sick or weak; I AM not one with the Creative Mind,” you are using that creative power to keep yourself away from the Infinite; and just as soon as you declare that you are one with God, there is a rushing out to meet you, as the Father rushed out to meet the prodigal son. “The Spirit seeketh,” but as long as your mind thinks in the terms of conditions you cannot overcome. The difficulty comes from our inability to see our own Divine nature, and its relation to the Universe. Until we awake to the fact that we are one in nature with God, we will not find the way of life; until we realize that our own word has the power of life we will not see the way of life; and this brings us to the consideration of the use of the Word in our lives.

There is something within us that is greater than things, and it is our privilege to claim the power of that something now. “I have overcome the world now, and every soul may live in Me now.” That means emancipation now for all who will receive it. Freedom is not for some other world, but for the life we are living today. We are not required to live in tribulation at any time during present existence; the way to complete emancipation is before us at all times. I AM the way. Whoever will transcend personal consciousness and enter into the consciousness of “I AM” will enter that life that is not of this world, and he will gain that power that can overcome anything that may exist in this world.

Think of the bigness of things in the universe, think of the number of grains of sand, the profusion of all life, and never again limit anything. All is yours to use. Jesus would never have become the Christ unless he had had the courage to say, “Behold, I AM He.” You will never attain until in some degree you are able to say the same thing of yourself.

This Power that now moves through us in its Ninth Dimension of Divine Universal Brotherhood is invisible, dynamic and dramatic in its ability to create from the invisible Source held within its own heart. It is self sustaining, self renewing, and nothing is impossible to it. It contains the invisible Substance to mold into all outer creations, just as the atom holds invisible Power within itself.  Nothing on earth can withstand the irresistible movement of this mighty Power or its ability to change every cell, every condition, every thought and action into itself. It is already perfect, and it can and does absorb all imperfections into itself as it moves, forth, undiluted by man’s ignorance and unhindered by man’s interference.  This is the Mind of God in action as man. It is a miracle. Our thinking, our desires and our plans must change the instant we move up to where it is found. We contact this Power when we move into our own Garden of Eden, the “I AM” center of consciousness, where this Almighty Power of God embraces and enfolds us.

If you contemplate Me, the I AM, as the God within, then you will know that the limitations of the human personality are broken. Be still. Let me reveal myself to you . .  in a way which will cause you to know the Allness of the Kingdom here and now.

Jesus established the identity of the Father as man’s awareness of being. “I and My Father are one, but My Father is greater than I”. I AM one with all that I AM conscious of being. I AM greater than that which I AM aware of being. The creator is ever greater than his creation.

So long as the Word exists the thing will exist, for since the Word is All Power there is nothing beside It. “I AM That I AM, and beside me there is none other.” This “I AM” is Spirit, God, All. There is no physical explanation for anything in the universe; all causation is Spirit and all effect spiritual. We are not living in a physical world but in a spiritual world peopled with spiritual ideas. We are now living in Spirit.

No matter how kind and useful I make my conduct toward an individual, if in my secret heart I AM criticizing him severely and condemning him, I must expect criticism and condemnation from others as my portion.

My superconscious mind is the essence and form of the Infinite in me. It is that part of me which is pure Divinity. In this Superconscious Self the perfect pattern of my life is wrought. All my efforts in living a good life help to bring this divine pattern into expression through the subconscious, out into conscious expression. That is the purpose of my life, to bring this slumbering divinity deep within the soul of me into expression in all my ways. This is the purpose of all life. Affirmations and efforts to do good give this divinity, this I AM of me, a chance to express over all the negative conditions of the subconscious and conscious parts of me.

Each person is a movement of Infinity on the screen of space. You gravitate to your parents according to the tone or mood of parents at the moment of conception. In other words, you are the Infinite Spirit appearing as a child in the home of your parents. Quimby said it correctly when he said, “You are a Spirit now. You were always a Spirit. When will you cease to be a Spirit?” You are conditioned as John Jones to believe yourself to be a man of age, carpenter, American, etc. Actually, you are I AM (God) appearing in the form of man of a certain age, race and profession. It is the One Being appearing as many. Mozart’s father didn’t have to know music. The I AM within you produces anything and everything.

Commands, to be effective, must be to oneself. “I AM That I AM” is the only effective command. “I AM the Lord and beside Me there is none else”. You cannot command that which is not. As there is no other, you must command yourself to be that which you would have appear.


All the quotes in The Power of I AM are credited
to the following authors.

Neville Goddard, Joseph Murphy, Walter C. Lanyon, Walter Devoe, Lillian DeWaters, Emmet Fox, Ella Wheeler, Christian D Larson, Edna Lister, Thomas Troward