David Allen – The Power of I AM – Part 32


David Allen - The Power of I AM


The Bible, in Exodus 20:5, says: . . “For I the Lord thy God AM a jealous God” . . This means that you must recognize the Living Spirit Almighty as supreme and omnipotent and refuse to give power to any created thing. In other words, you should not worship a created thing; you must give all allegiance, loyalty and devotion to the One Presence and Power within you, called I AM, or Spirit.

For example, if you are looking for promotion or advancement and you say to yourself: “The boss is blocking my good; but for him I would be promoted and receive greater emoluments,” at that moment you have exalted him, a false god. Actually, you are making the boss a god and denying the One Source from Whom all blessings flow. Your subconscious mind knows that your loyalty is divided and consequently does not respond.

You are like the double minded man, unstable in all your ways. On the one hand he is affirming that God is the Source of his supply, meeting all his needs, and then in the next breath he is resenting his employer for not promoting him and increasing his salary. You must never give power to any person, place or thing, for actually you are transferring the power within you to externals. You must give exclusive devotion and loyalty to the One Power within you, Which responds according to the nature of your thoughts and belief.

All that is required of you is to believe. Believe your desires to be garments your savior wears. Your belief that you are now that which you desire to be is proof of your acceptance of life’s gifts. You have opened the door for your Lord, clothed in your desire, to enter the moment you establish this belief. “When ye pray, believe that ye have received and it shall be so”. “All things are possible to him who believes”. Make the impossible possible through your belief; and the impossible (to others) will embody itself in your world. All men have had proof of the power of faith. The faith that moves mountains is faith in yourself. No man has faith in God who lacks confidence in himself. Your faith in God is measured by your confidence in yourself. “I and My Father are one”, man and his God are one, consciousness and manifestation are one.

Repeat quietly but with feeling, “I AM . . I AM”, until you have lost all consciousness of the world and know yourself just as being. Awareness, the knowing that you are, is Almighty God; I AM.

Do you say to the ideal or desire murmuring in your heart that I AM too old; I do not have enough money; I do not know the right people? Do you say, for example, that due to conditions, inflation, the present administration, events, or circumstances, it is impossible for me to realize my objective? If this is so, you are not disciplining Peter, but you are actually robbing yourself of the joy of experiencing your ideal. The faculty of faith (Peter) knows no obstacles, and recognizes no master or Lord, except his own I AMness. Do you pray for a little while; then give up, and say, “I tried it, but it does not work.” If you do, you must begin now to call Peter to discipleship, and you will realize the cherished desire of your heart.

Consciousness is the way as well as the power which resurrects and expresses all that man will ever be conscious of being. Turn from the blindness of the uninitiated man who attempts to express and possess those qualities and things which he is not conscious of being and possessing; and be as the illumined mystic who decrees on the basis of this changeless law. Consciously claim yourself to be . . I AM . . that which you seek; appropriate the consciousness of that which you see; and you too will know the status of the true mystic, as follows: I became conscious of being it. I AM still conscious of being it. And I shall continue to be conscious of being it until that which I AM conscious of being is perfectly expressed. Yes, I shall decree a thing and it shall come to pass.

In the science of imagination you eliminate all the mental impurities, such as fear, worry, destructive inner talking, self condemnation, and the mental union with other miscellaneous negatives. You must focus all your attention on your ideal, and refuse to be swerved from your purpose or aim in life. As you get mentally absorbed in the reality of your ideal, by loving and remaining faithful to it, you will see your desire take form in your world. In the book of Joshua it says, “Choose ye this day whom ye shall serve.” Let your choice be, “I AM going to imagine whatsoever things are lovely and of good report.”

Divine healing is based upon the supposition that we speak from an absolute center . . the I AM or first cause. The treatment is unconditioned by any element of time as the past, present, or future. It is not conditioned by anything that has ever transpired. It would not be possible for a metaphysician or spiritual healer to do effective work, if he judged according to appearances.

He has forgotten his divine origin and accepts the opinion of man as the truth; consequently, he sins or errs because he does not know that his own I AMness is the God that he seeks. He dwells, therefore, in the land of many Gods and the belief in many powers. The man who loves Truth and practices the Presence of God is like a magnetized piece of steel. The man who is asleep to God is like a demagnetized piece of steel . . the magnetic current is there, but it is asleep within him. When we dwell in the presence, the electronic and atomic structure of our body reforms and vibrates accordingly.


All the quotes in The Power of I AM are credited
to the following authors.

Neville Goddard, Joseph Murphy, Walter C. Lanyon, Walter Devoe, Lillian DeWaters, Emmet Fox, Ella Wheeler, Christian D Larson, Edna Lister, Thomas Troward