David Allen – The Power of I AM – Part 28


David Allen - The Power of I AM


Before Abraham, was I AM. This means before any objectification or manifestation of ideals or desires takes place, the unconditioned or formless awareness, I AM, conditions Itself into the image and likeness of your concept or ideal.

Your unconditioned consciousness is impersonal; it is no respecter of persons. Without thought or effort, it automatically expresses every impression that is registered upon it. It does not object to any impression that is placed upon it for; although it is capable of receiving and expressing any and all defined states, it remains forever an immaculate and an unlimited potential. Your I AM is the foundation upon which the defined state or conception of yourself rests; but it is not defined by, nor is it dependent on, such defined states for its being.

Whatever we impress upon the subconscious that we are now, that the subconscious will create for us now; and everything that we affirm with deep feeling will be impressed upon the subconscious. When we make the statement, “I AM well,” we impress the subconscious with the idea that we have health now, and the subconscious will respond by giving us more health now. Many minds, however, do not think it consistent to say they are well when they really feel sick, but this seeming contradiction disappears when you know that the real man is well, and that you are the real man. When you impress the subconscious with the truth about the real man the subconscious will respond by giving the personal man those very qualities that are possessed by the real man.

Since the real man is well and since you are the real man, you would simply be speaking the truth about yourself when you say, “I AM well.” At the same time you are impressing health upon the subconscious, and the subconscious will respond by expressing health into every part of mind and body.

There is no one that is not all that is, for consciousness, though expressed in an infinite series of levels, is not divisional. There is no real separation or gap in consciousness. I AM cannot be divided. I may conceive myself to be a rich man, a poor man, a beggar man or a thief, but the center of my being remains the same, regardless of the concept I hold of myself. At the center of manifestation, there is only one I AM manifesting in legions of forms or concepts of itself and “I AM That I AM”.

My awareness is my Lord and Shepherd. That which I AM aware of being is the sheep that follow me. So good a shepherd is my awareness of being, it has never lost one sheep or thing that I AM aware of being.

“Far greater is he that is in you than he that is in the world”. Believe this. Do not continue in blindness, following after the mirage of masters. I assure you your search can end only in disappointment. “If you deny Me (your awareness of being), I shall deny you also”. “Thou shalt have no other God beside ME” . “Be still and know that I AM God”. “Come prove me and see if I will not open you the windows of Heaven and pour you out a blessing, that there shall not be room enough to receive it”. Do you believe that the I AM is able to do this? Then claim ME to be that which you want to see poured out. Claim yourself to be that which you want to be and that you shall be. Not because of masters will I give it unto you, but, because you have recognized ME (yourself) to be that, I will give it unto you for I AM all things to all.

The conceiver and the conception are one, but the conceiver is greater than his conception. Before Abraham, was I AM. Yes, I was aware of being before I became aware of being man, and in that day when I shall cease to be conscious of being man I shall still be conscious of being. The consciousness of being is not dependent upon being anything. It preceded all conceptions of itself and shall be when all conceptions of itself shall cease to be. “I AM the beginning and the end”. That is, all things or conceptions of myself begin and end in me, but I, the formless awareness, remain forever.

“I AM” which is first person and present tense. “But while I AM cometh another steppeth down before me.”  That which steps down before you are the idle thoughts such as fear, doubt, despair, self pity and similar moods. If you banish these evil spirits or moods, Jesus, your own I AMness will speak softly and say “Rise, take up thy bed and walk.” Then the healing comes. Meditating on the eternal verities and the inner glory and beauties of the Deity, man feels a movement within him, this is the Divine Light and it is visible as a golden yellow light. Words cannot always define and formulate the things behind the veil; there are of course many mystical experiences which we cannot express with words, the ecstasy of heavenly bliss, of love and happiness. Meditation is that inner communion which works like a thief in the night, silently in man’s own soul. This mood cannot be expressed in words or language as it is beyond all formulation into word symbolism. To enter into the Silence, is intercommunion with the Self or Christ within. This is the nearest approach to the invisible.


All the quotes in The Power of I AM are credited
to the following authors.

Neville Goddard, Joseph Murphy, Walter C. Lanyon, Walter Devoe, Lillian DeWaters, Emmet Fox, Ella Wheeler, Christian D Larson, Edna Lister, Thomas Troward