David Allen – The Power of I AM – Part 14


David Allen - The Power of I AM


Listen carefully to the promise, “Ye shall not need to fight in this battle: Set yourself, stand still, and see the salvation of the Lord with you”. With you! That particular consciousness with which you are identified is the Lord of the agreement. He will without assistance establish the thing agreed upon on earth. Can you, in the face of the army of reasons why a thing cannot be done, quietly enter into an agreement with the Lord that it is done? Can you, now that you have found the Lord to be your awareness of being, become aware that the battle is won? Can you, no matter how near and threatening the enemy seems to be, continue in your confidence, standing still, knowing that the victory is yours? If you can, you will see the salvation of the Lord. Remember, the reward is to the one who endures. Stand still. Standing still is the deep conviction that all is well; it is done. No matter what is heard or seen, you remain unmoved, conscious of being victorious in the end. All things are made by such agreements, and without such an agreement, there is not anything made that is made. “I AM That I AM”.

Truth does no work. Truth knows. One must at such times merely let his light shine. That which is true does not change from better to worse or from worse to better, and one is to know changeless being. Instead of going to the mind for instruction as a student might approach his teacher for knowledge, you are the instructor yourself, and you are to speak to your mind living words, teaching the mind I AM the power of the Truth. Always know that you are the teacher of your mind, that your mind comes to you for orders, that your mind must be obedient to fort and that you are not at the mercy of your mind.

You must have no master or lord but . . I AM . . God . . The One Power. We must categorically and emphatically mentally reject all other powers but the One Primal Cause, the Spirit within. If we have a master, we are slaves. This is why He says, “Call no man master.” Man is not a serf. He has been given dominion. When we are convinced beyond a shadow of a doubt that our own I AMness is our Lord and Master, we know no other and we are free.

“Be still and know that I AM God,” takes on a new meaning: Be still and assume the glories of this new estate. Assume them in the secret place . . easily, naturally; assume them and rest them in the silence. “Be wise as serpents . . harmless as doves.” Know nothing, see nothing, hear nothing, then you will know all, see all, and hear all.

It is impossible to serve two masters at the same time. The master man serves is that which he is conscious of being. I AM Lord and Master of that which I AM conscious of being. It is no effort for me to conjure poverty if I AM conscious of being poor. My servant (poverty) is compelled to follow me (conscious of poverty) as long as I AM (the Lord) conscious of being poor. Instead of fighting against the evidence of the senses, you claim yourself to be that which you desire to be. As your attention is placed on this claim, the doors of the senses automatically close against your former master (that which you were conscious of being). As you become lost in the feeling of being (that which you are now claiming to be true of yourself), the doors of the senses once more open, revealing your world to be the perfect expression of that which you are conscious of being.

Life is strong, and you are strong with the strength of the Infinite; forget all else as you revel in this strength. You are strong and can say I AM. You have been laboring under an illusion; now you are disillusioned. Now you know, and knowing is using the law in a constructive way. “I and my Father are One;” this is strength for the weak, and life for all who believe.

Another important essential is to affirm silently in your own mind that you are the “I AM,” and as you affirm this statement or as you simply declare positively, “I AM” think of the “I AM” as being the ruling principle in your whole world, as being distinct and above and superior to all else in your being, and as being you, yourself, in the highest, largest, and most comprehensive sense. You thus lift yourself up, so to speak, to the mountain top of masterful individuality; you enthrone yourself; you become true to yourself; you place yourself where you belong. Through this practice you not only discover yourself to be the master of your whole life, but you elevate all your conscious actions to that lofty state in your consciousness that we may describe as the throne of your being, or as that center of action within which the ruling “I AM“ lives and moves and has its being.

If you merely think of yourself as Tom Brown or Mary Jones with your aches and pains and bills to pay, you are not thinking with power. But if you say, “I AM Tom Brown, the Christ,” or “I AM Mary Jones, the Christ,” then you are identifying yourself with the Eternal and the good. Now, make no mistake, you are not saying you are Jesus, the Christ. You are simply voicing your true identity as a child of God, Tom Brown or Mary Jones, the Christ. This is your new name which only you can use. It is fulfilling the prophecy which Jesus made, “The works that I do shall ye also do. . . Is it not written in your law, I said, Ye are gods?” Thus Jesus becomes the great diagram for living, and I AM is the Way by which we can follow”, him in a personal demonstration of the Christ.

Have we spoken “I AM” upward, toward the good, or downward toward the not good? That which we have been receiving will tell the story. Jesus said that if they asked rightly in His name, their “joy would be made full.” Is your joy full? If not, then give heed to your asking.

The Bible compares the opinionated man to the camel who could not go through the needle’s eye. The needle’s eye referred to was a small gate in the walls of Jerusalem, which was so narrow that a camel could not go through it until relieved of its pack. The rich man, that is the one burdened with false human concepts, cannot enter the Kingdom of Heaven until relieved of his burden any more than could the camel go through this small gate. Man feels so secure in his manmade laws, opinions and beliefs that he invests them with an authority they do not possess. Satisfied that his knowledge is all, he remains unaware that all outward appearances are but states of mind externalized. When he realizes that the consciousness of a quality externalizes that quality without the aid of any other or many values and establishes the one true value, his own consciousness. “The Lord is in His holy temple”. Consciousness dwells within that which it is conscious of being. I AM is the Lord and man, his temple. Knowing that consciousness objectifies itself, man must forgive all men for being that which they are. He must realize that all are expressing . .without the aid of another . . that which they are conscious of being.


All the quotes in The Power of I AM are credited
to the following authors.

Neville Goddard, Joseph Murphy, Walter C. Lanyon, Walter Devoe, Lillian DeWaters, Emmet Fox, Ella Wheeler, Christian D Larson, Edna Lister, Thomas Troward