David Allen – The Power of I AM – Part 12


David Allen - The Power of I AM


Perhaps it may sound a little strange to you at first to say that you are Tom Brown or Mary Jones, the Christ; but then, every new thing seems strange at first. Later you will say to yourself, Why did I not recognize that long ago? When there is a problem that seems difficult to solve, think to yourself, “I AM so and so, the Christ.” Then think what that means. Can the Christ be sick? Can the Christ be in lack? Can the Christ be stymied by any problem? Of course, if you are going to refer to yourself as Tom Brown or Mary Jones, the Christ, it will be necessary for you to give more than lip service. Your actions must also be in accord with that high ideal. There is power in your true name when you know how to use it. I AM That I AM is the Great Name, and I AM is the greatest name short of that.

When man develops the “I AM” consciousness, he will attain the realization of what he is now; he will discern that his present nature is limitless in possibility, and that the conscious possession of more and more of the richness of his nature will come, not from more and more years of development, but from more and more present realization.

We frequently hear the expression, “I can never do anything right,” and it is quite simple to understand that such a mode of thought would train the mind to act below its true ability and capacity. If you are fully convinced that you can never do anything right, it will become practically impossible for you to do anything right at any time, but on the other hand, if you continue to think, “I AM going to do everything better and better,” it is quite natural that your entire mental system should be inspired and trained to do things better and better.

Who Are You?

Look at your spiritual heritage. We are all children of the I AM, as Moses says. Within you is the real nature or the real name, because you are pronouncing it all day long. I AM. It is called Om in India. The Bible says, I AM That I AM. Moses said, I AM hath sent me unto you.

“But,” one protests, “how can I believe I AM perfect when I AM so lame that I cannot take a step; when I AM full of pain; when I have such evil thoughts; when I AM afraid?” Let one say, “I AM perfect; there is no sick man in heaven. There is no evil in heaven.” Let him say it over and over, and something will begin to burn in him; something will begin to believe that it is true; and softly, like the breath of the morning breeze, something will whisper to him, “Yea, Yea, it is so!” Then with the warmth and the fire that is burning and blazing, his belief will burst into the love of clear understanding; and he will come into intelligent discernment of God and man.

There is only one power and this power is God (consciousness). It kills; it makes alive; it wounds; it heals; it does all things, good, bad or indifferent. Man moves in a world that is nothing more or less than his consciousness objectified. Not knowing this, he wars against his reflections while he keeps alive the light and the images which project the reflections. “I AM the light of the world”. I AM (consciousness) is the light. That which I AM conscious of being (my conception of myself) . . such as “I AM rich”, “I AM healthy”, “I AM free” . . are the images. The world is the mirror magnifying all that I AM conscious of being.

In a preceding chapter, it was stated that the “I AM” is the ruling principle in man, and from that statement the conclusion may be drawn that the “I AM” is the ruling power as well, but this is not strictly correct. There is a difference between principle and power, though for practical purposes it is not necessary to consider the abstract phase of this difference. All that is necessary is to realize that the “I AM” directs the mind, and that the power of the mind directs and controls everything else in the human system. It is the mind that occupies the throne but the “I AM” is the power behind the throne. This being true, it becomes highly important to understand how the power of the mind should be used, but before we can understand the use of this power, we must learn what this power actually is.

We are all children of the I AM (God). Whatever you attach to I AM, you become. If you say, “I AM no good, I’m a flop, I’m a failure, I’m going deaf, I’m going blind, I’m nobody,” then you become what you affirm. Therefore, reverse it and say, “I AM happy, joyous and free. I AM illumined; I AM inspired. I AM strong; I AM powerful. `Let the weak say, I AM strong.’ `Let the widow say, it is well.’ I AM a son or daughter of the Living God. I AM heir to all of God’s riches. I AM born to win and to succeed, for the Infinite cannot fail. I AM a tremendous success. I AM absolutely outstanding. I AM unique, and there is no one in all the world like me.”

Why don’t you claim the above and write these truths in your heart and inscribe them in your inward parts? He that hath an ear, let him hear what the Spirit saith unto the churches. . . To him that overcometh will I give to eat of the hidden manna, and will give him a white stone, and in the stone a new name written, which no man knoweth saving he that receiveth it.


All the quotes in The Power of I AM are credited
to the following authors.

Neville Goddard, Joseph Murphy, Walter C. Lanyon, Walter Devoe, Lillian DeWaters, Emmet Fox, Ella Wheeler, Christian D Larson, Edna Lister, Thomas Troward