David Allen – The Power of I AM – Part 11


David Allen - The Power of I AM


The best spiritual medicine today is to get acquainted with the Spirit within you and then claim peace, harmony, and Divine law and order in your life. Reflect and dwell upon the Divine Law, which is: “I AM That which I contemplate.” Contemplate whatsoever things are true, lovely, noble and Godlike and let wonders happen in your life.

The best and quickest way to bring about reform in our thinking is by the use of a strong affirmation, to be repeated in the Silence and any time the need arises. The following: “I AM healthy, strong, young, powerful, loving, harmonious, successful, and happy”

All things are made by God (consciousness) and without him there is nothing made that is made. Creation is judged good and very good because it is the perfect likeness of that consciousness which produced it. To be conscious of being one thing and then see yourself expressing something other than that which you are conscious of being is a violation of the law of being; therefore, it would not be good. The law of being is never broken; man ever sees himself expressing that which he is conscious of being. Be it good, bad or indifferent, it is nevertheless a perfect likeness of his conception of himself; it is good and very good. Not only are all things made by God, all things are made of God. All are the offspring of God. God is one. Things or divisions are the projections of the one. God being one, He must command Himself to be the seeming other for there is no other. The absolute cannot contain something within itself that is not itself. If it did, then it would not be absolute, the only one. Commands, to be effective, must be to oneself. “I AM That I AM” is the only effective command.

A few months ago, I said in one of my Sunday morning lectures at the Saddleback Theatre in El Toro that whatever a person added to “I AM” with feeling and understanding would come to pass. One man said to himself, “I AM going to try it.” Accordingly, many times a day he would affirm, out loud when possible, “I AM prosperous. I AM healthy. I AM happy. I feel wonderful!” Driving along the road his silent speech was the same. He made a habit of it and found it to be a valid law of life. His business, his health and his relationship with his family have undergone a marked transformation. He discovered that his changed attitude changed everything in his life.

If God’s name forever and forever is I AM, how can you look outside of self? You cannot point to another and say: “I AM.” You can observe this or do that, but you cannot point to another when you say: ”I AM.”

Keep in mind that when you pray about any specific thing, it is necessary to qualify your mind with the consciousness or feeling of having or being that thing. You mentally reject completely the arguments in your mind against it; that is prayer. Qualify your consciousness with the thing you are praying for by thinking about it with interest Do this quietly and regularly until a conviction is reached in your consciousness. As you do this, the problem will no longer annoy you. You will maintain your mental poise, plus the feeling of: “I now feel that I AM what I long to be,” and as you continue to feel it, you will become it.

Your whole world may be likened to solidified space mirroring the beliefs and acceptances as projected by a formless, faceless presence, namely, I AM. Reduce the whole to its primordial substance and nothing would remain but you, a dimensionless presence, the conceiver.

You have entered the spiritual world, and I AM the door to that world; you have risen to that supreme state of being where you can say, in the spirit of eternal truth, I AM, and through the power of that truth you have overcome the world.

Here is the law: “I AM That which I feel myself to be.” Practice changing the feeling of “I” every day by affirming: “I AM Spirit; I think, see, feel, and live as Spirit, the Presence of God. (The other self in you thinks, feels, and acts as the race mind does.) As you continue to do this, you will begin to feel you are one with God. As the sun in the heavens redeems the earth from darkness and gloom, so will the realization of the Presence of God in you reveal the man you always wished to be . . the joyous, radiant, peaceful, prosperous, and successful man whose intellect is illumined by the Light from above.

To develop individuality, the first essential is to give the “I AM” its true and lofty position in your mind. The “I AM” is the very center of individuality, and the more fully conscious you become of the “I AM” the more of the power that is in the “I AM” you arouse, and it is the arousing of this power that makes individuality positive and strong. Another essential is to practice the idea of feeling or conceiving yourself as occupying the masterful attitude. Whenever you think of yourself, think of yourself as being and living and acting in the masterful attitude. Then in addition, make every desire positive, make every feeling positive, make every thought positive, and make every action of mind positive. To make your wants distinct and positive, that is, to actually and fully know what you want and then proceed to want what you want with all the power that is in you, will also tend to give strength and positiveness to your individuality; and the reason is that such actions of mind will tend to place in positive, constructive action every force that is in your system.


All the quotes in The Power of I AM are credited
to the following authors.

Neville Goddard, Joseph Murphy, Walter C. Lanyon, Walter Devoe, Lillian DeWaters, Emmet Fox, Ella Wheeler, Christian D Larson, Edna Lister, Thomas Troward